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June 11, 2022

Health Promotion Disease Prevention

Health Promotion Disease Prevention

In this assignment, we will discuss health promotion and disease prevention as they pertain to your capstone project methodology. Everything we do in nursing should be supported by evidence. Whether we are looking for ways to improve a hospital department’s internal efficiency or looking how to improve a population’s outcomes, there is underlying evidence that supports the principles of health promotion and disease prevention. Visit the South University Online Library and retrieve two peer-reviewed articles pertaining to health promotion and disease. The articles may or may not be related to your capstone project but should reflect the methodology you intend to use. Critique each article, highlighting the strengths and the weaknesses of each article. Interpret the statistical analysis and significance of results. Finally, analyze the feasibility of applying this evidence to your capstone project in your current practicum setting.


Disease prevention and health promotion is a key focus of the health sector all over the world. Literally, a healthy population is a wealthy population. In this regard, striving to keep a population free of diseases is a paramount step. The purpose of this paper is to critique peer-reviewed articles pertaining to health promotion and disease prevention. The paper highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each article and interprets the statistical analysis and significance of results and the possibility of applying such evidence in my capstone project.

A scoping review of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health promotion programs focused on modifying chronic disease risk factors by Karla J.

The article features health promotion programs for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The article describes the probability of increasing the life expectancy of these populations through modifying the risk factors which are smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption, physical activity, social and emotional wellbeing (SNAPS) (Canuto, 2019). one of the strengths of the article is that the population featured provides an environment that understands and supports the local community which enhances the development of the programs. However, the weakness is that it is difficult to make evidence-based conclusions for the study because most of the reviews used had small sample sizes and lacked a thorough research design. The health promotion programs identified were 71 implemented across community and health settings. Nutrition was the major focus of the study (Canuto, 2019). Although the programs lack significant quality, they should be integrated into future studies. Accordingly, owing to the insufficient evidence-based practices, it fails to meet the criteria of the methodology of my capstone project. The project uses quality improvement methodology which focuses on a measurable enhancement of health promotion. Considerably, the article lacks proper investigation and assessment of possible implementation methods to modify the risk factors and hence fails to meet the needs of the methodology.

Nurses’ roles in health promotion practice: an integrative review by Virpi Kemppainen, Kerttu Tossavainen, and Hannele Turunen.

The article describes the practices by the nurses in a quest to promote the health conditions of individuals through investigating the findings of research studies. The study used 40 research papers that were diverse. According to the study, individual perspectives of nurses guide them into helping individuals to make health decisions. Further, nurses’ roles in health promotion are guided by the directives of governing bodies such as the World Health Organization’s (WHO) (Kemppainen, Tossavainen & Turunen, 2013). One major weakness of the study is that it failed to discuss the impacts of multiculturalism, ecological changes, and new technologies which ought to have significant influences on the roles of nurses in health promotion in the future. The article’s strengths include the fact that it used qualitative studies for research which enabled to draw evidence-based conclusions. According to the results, although the nurses are key players in health promotion, they seem to be limited by organizational cultures in implementing their professional integrity (Kemppainen, Tossavainen & Turunen, 2013). In this regard, the study discloses the need to support the nurses in executing their professional roles in health promotions. The study is applicable to the methodological approach used in my project due to the evidence-based practices presented in the study.

Generally, disease prevention and health promotion are critical in any society. In this regard, the paper has discussed two peer-reviewed articles that describe various approaches to preventing diseases. The weaknesses and strengths of the articles determined their credibility for application in the capstone project. One of the articles discussed the health promotion programs while the other discussed the roles of the nurses in promoting the health status of families and individuals.


Canuto, K. J., Aromataris, E., Burgess, T., Davy, C., McKivett, A., Schwartzkopff, K., … &

Brown, A. (2019). A scoping review of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health promotion programs focused on modifying chronic disease risk factors. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Kemppainen, V., Tossavainen, K., & Turunen, H. (2013). Roles de las enfermeras en la práctica

de promoción de la salud: una revisión integradora. Health Promot Int.28, 490-501.

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