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August 30, 2022

Authenticity of Artificial Intelligence

Authenticity of Artificial Intelligence

Assignment Brief

The annotated bibliography should show that you have done sufficient research reading to be able to complete your first draft of the research paper and demonstrate your understanding of what you have read. It should also clearly illustrate that you know which elements of the sources will support different arguments and perspectives in your paper.

Task description:

  • Select three sources from your detailed outline and two new sources that you plan to use in your research paper (total of 5).
  • These should include a minimum of three from academic journals; all should be good quality / reliable sources.
  • IEEE style citations must be given for each source.
  • Write a brief summary of each text, focusing only on information relevant to your thesis and research paper arguments.
  • Explain exactly how each of these texts/articles are relevant (how you will use each text/article) in your paper. In other words which argument/theme/ supporting point each text/article relates to and how with reference to your Detailed Outline Assignment.
  • You must include one relevant short quote (no more than 20 words) for each annotation used in this assignment (with correct IEEE citation notation).
  • Be sure to follow all formatting and submission requirements.
  • Each annotation section should not exceed 110

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