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August 30, 2022

Cultural Intelligence and Capability

Cultural Intelligence and Capability

Learning Outcomes relevant to this assessment: 

  1. Culture: Identify and analyse important characteristics of culture and the concept of the cultural self.
  2. Cultural Contexts: Apply understandings of culture and concepts of a cultural self to develop a framework for understanding cultural contexts of interactions and subsequent analysis of personal attitudes and actions.

Guidelines  and  criteria:


Construct a  visual, annotated representation to show your understanding and analysis of what you bring to your academic and professional experience from your cultural background.  You are asked to show how your own ‘map’ has contributed to your current academic experience,  and future academic and professional life.

Using a 5-section format, organize your world using the categories as outlined below.

Two mandatory bubbles:

  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender

Pick 1 additional bubbles below (your choice, only pick one that is applicable, and be specific):

  • Economic Class
  • Indigeneity
  • LBGTQ+ identified
  • Religion (name the religion)
  • Language/ELL/Accent
  • Accommodation/Disability
  • Immigration Status

The 4th & 5th bubble will consist of categories you choose that are most relevant to your life and cultural understanding. Things like rules/laws, sport, family, nature/outdoors or any other thing that is a major component of your cultural engagement. (If you would like to pick another bubble from the “pick 1” category you may, but at least 1 of your bubbles must be your own choosing).

In your (60-100 word) text for each respective bubble please explain how that bubble has impacted your life (How it operates as a “privileges” or lack thereof for you) and explain how it has impacted your professional and academic aspirations. In your self selected categories please explain why the category you generated is/was important to you, how is has impacted your professional and academic aspirations.

Write 60-100 words for each element.

Please remember that this is an introductory assignment and that only your professional and academic inputs are requested. Please do not feel the need to share personal stories that make you feel uncomfortable.

This is an exercise in analysing the impact of your cultural background on your academic and professional self-perception, (Brewer and Gardiner, 1996; Reynolds, 2012), attitudes and actions (See learning outcomes above).

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