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August 31, 2022

Factors Affecting Change Requirement

Factors Affecting Change Requirement


Effective change plans are created by understanding several external factors influencing an organization, including p olitical, e conomic, s ocial, t echnological, l egal, and e nvironmental, or PESTLE, forces. Experienced executives carefully examine PESTLE forces to identify major opportunities and threats and then adjust their organizational change strategies accordingly.

Previously, you informed the VP about potential reasons why an organization fails to change and suggested ways to avoid them. Now, you have been asked to analyze the situation and recommend a change management plan to the VP. As part of your analysis, you need to evaluate and report to the VP about workforce change readiness and external forces that may affect the change management processes in the organization.


Identify social and technological factors that can affect change readiness in an organization. Consider how these factors may influence the employees at the U.S. branch of the Singaporean software solutions provider. Then, write a report explaining your analysis to the VP.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria.

  1. Explain how social factors influence the change requirement of the organization.
    • Use the PESTLE Forces Guide to identify social factors and refer to the U.S. Branch Overview for data about the U.S. branch.
    • Which social factors will significantly influence the change requirements of the U.S. unit’s workforce?
    • How will social factors influence change readiness in the workforce?
    • How will you visually present and emphasize social factors depicted through demographic data?

  1. Explain how technological factors influence the change requirement of the organization.
    • Use the PESTLE Forces Guide to identify technological factors and refer to the U.S. Branch Overview for data about the U.S. branch.
    • Which technology factors will significantly influence workforce planning and training requirements?
    • How will technology factors influence change readiness in the workforce?
    • How will you visually present and emphasize technological factors depicted through demographic data?

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