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November 14, 2023

Authenticity of the Theory of Evolution

Authenticity of the Theory of Evolution

Do you consider the theory of evolution proven, evolving, or borderline science? Support your answer.

The theory of evolution by Darwin describes the process of the changing of organisms over time caused by the changes in behavioral character traits or the heritable physical appearance. The theory argues the changes that occur in organisms enable them to adapt to their environments and survive better to allow more reproduction. I consider evolution as a borderline science because of various reasons. Firstly, evolution is mostly not an observational science but a notion about history because it is difficult to observe. If we were to observe it as it happens today, it is too slow to be observed and if it happened in the past, it is not possible to return to the past and observe it (Hands, 2015). This means that the arguments and conclusions made by evolutionists may be false since the organisms which lived in the past might have had different ways of adaptations dissimilar from what they say and the evidence they provide may change and contradict the already accepted or prevailing knowledge and again it is not possible to predict what might happen in the future.

The evolution theory depends on the evidence derived from the fossil records which most of them for different species do not exist and the lack of intermediate forms required to support the claims provides a chance of getting false data which is unreliable (Fasolo, 2012). Some opponents base their claims on the beliefs of religion while this notion has no firm grounds. Darwin’s ideas brought a lot of debate due to the conflicts with the religious views concerning the creation of the world and the creatures and the debate continues even today. The problems associated with mixed ideas and chance as a dictating force makes the theory of evolution as a borderline science


Hands, J. (2015). Cosmosapiens: Human evolution from the origin of the universe.

Fasolo, A. (2012). The theory of evolution and its impact. Milan: Springer.

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