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November 14, 2023

Usefulness of Nursing Course in Practice

Usefulness of Nursing Course in Practice

This artifact features how the nursing course and its syllabus has helped me to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary in the nursing field.  To achieve the bachelor’s degree in the nursing profession, this artifact reflects how I am prepared to own the nursing competency through the nursing course and its syllabus. Nursing is a profession which requires these competencies and willingness to adhere to the professional job requirements in order to become proficient since it entails dealing with patients and handling the lives of people (Kraiger, 2014). The course has enabled me to acquire comprehensive education which covers the specific topics necessary in medical management such as healthcare, medical transcription, and medical office management.

A study by the nursing students from the Lakeview College of Nursing showed that the nurses who are more baccalaureate-prepared contribute to better outcomes for the patients (Marshall, & Marshall, 2011). They are able to function efficiently exhibiting cultural competence. As one of the objectives of the course, I have learned to demonstrate a self-awareness of specialized behavior through activism and headship to assess a situation which requires making critical decisions.

Through the course, I have developed a zeal for doing research concerning various diseases and their possible medications alongside the alternative measures against the diseases. A number of patients with various diseases necessitate manifold options in order to treat them. This requires critical thinking and leverage technological skills to analyze the condition and make the best solutions. For instance, a patient suffering from the cardiovascular disease requires a nurse to remain close and be confident enough to introduce an instant and proper solution for treatment (Marshall, & Marshall, 2011).  The course necessitated me to understand the use of the information systems of healthcare, therefore, enabling me to use the nursing and medical databases to find research articles that provide indication to indorse nursing intrusions regarding a specific area of nursing practice.  Nursing requires a mind which is set to think broadly and analyze critical conditions widely.

The course helped me to recognize the occasions for approaches of healthcare which houses the fluctuating cultural beliefs and establishes the thoughtfulness to the cultural differences which replicate the society’s demographics. I have contributed to the planning and assessment of nursing care which involves patients and clients. My flexibility in handling situations has been enhanced. As a nurse, it is not easy to detect what may come up during a working day. The last-minute alterations and emergency cases may arise requiring one to stay alert while managing heavy workloads, patients’ families, and a lot of paperwork (Marshall, & Marshall, 2011). Developing the skills of adjusting to a busy and ever-evolving program was an essential aspect I learned in the course.  My ability to develop a mental flexibility that enables me to handle situations such as non-compliant patients and moody doctors was interesting.

As a nurse, I have developed a learning culture which is essential in the profession. This has helped me to learn that having a degree in nursing does not stop me from learning. Understanding the medical terminologies and gaining a knowledge to diagnose a disease was a critical aspect. This is done through continuous research. Through continuous learning, the nurse is able to explain the billing and coding procedures necessary for the healthcare provision. In the nursing profession, it is possible to come across some ailments, surgeries, and medications that are completely new. This necessitates the need to explore and learn more to build on confidence. Learning helps to explore new ways of ensuring the safety and 0comfort of the patients.

Although one may have a lot of things to handle in the diary, a nurse has to document everything in the patient’s charts and listen keenly to their description of the symptoms and enquire rightly. This also entails being keen to administer drugs at the appropriate times. As a nurse, I learned not to be distracted but rather be attentive since patients and their families can sense when the healthcare providers are rushed or distracted (Kraiger, 2014).  Even the smallest details need to be remembered regardless of commotion. Otherwise, a small mishap may end up becoming a fatal mistake and become disastrous. To perfect this, I will have to be prepared enough with the checklist containing the things to remember when at work and the report that needs to be handed over to physicians. It is necessary for a nurse to stay in tune with the needs of a patient since it will help to counsel and educate them better.

The patient communication skills are an essential tool that I learnt in my course. Communication is vital in the nursing profession and is applied in almost all aspects of medicine when dealing with physicians, patients, and all the other interdisciplinary team members.  Communicating effectively to the patients and their loved ones enhances the probability of offering quality health care. This involves being able to speak clearly, listening keenly, mastering the non-verbal cues, and admitting when I do not know something.  I have, therefore, been able to exhibit the ethics of personal inscription and patient communication.

I learned how to evaluate the employee motivation theories for maximum output. Although work may be difficult at times, the course has seen me develop positive attitudes in all situations no matter how hard it may seem. For example, a nurse is normally the last person to be thanked or commended for a well-done job unlike in other professional fields where the managers normally recognize the performance of their staff (Kraiger, 2014).  I learned to appreciate the aspect of not being recognized by patients or coworkers. So I have learned not to expect a thank you for good performance but rather concentrate on the care of a patient and gain satisfaction from it. I have to appreciate myself and stand firm on the belief that I have helped, cared, and contributed to the well-being of a patient. I learned to just feel good when offering my services and feel confident at it regardless of the lack of people’s gratitude.

Through the course, I also learned to analyze an appropriate work environment and initiate a positive change in an organization through a considerate scrutiny of the critical thinking, the healthcare strategies, and the applied concepts in collaboration with the other professionals. For example, if I do not like the work environment, I am to implement a change geared towards improving the health care standards. This also improves my personal enhancement and the wellness of the entire organization. In total, the course has enhanced my attitudes and skills which will help me throughout my career life.


Kraiger, K. (2014). The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of training, development,

and performance improvement. Press.

Marshall, E. S., & Marshall, E. S. (2011). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert

 clinician to influential leader. New York, NY: Springer. Press.

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