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November 15, 2023

Special Relativity and Modern Physics

Special Relativity and Modern Physics

Using the de Brolie wavelength of a wrench and a hydrogen atom, show that interference and diffraction effects in matter waves may be neglected at the scale of a macroscopic systems, but that this is not true at the nano – scale.

De Broglie wavelength is the wavelength which is associated with a matter wave (photon). Matter can behave as particles and also like a wave. Matter particles, like the electrons, can also produce interference patterns due to their wave-like nature (Guston, 2010).

The quantum effects fade on larger scale such as the macroscopic scale since the macroscopic objects have high momentum hence small wavelengths while they will not fade at the nano-scale since it reflects small particles which have less momentum hence large wavelengths (Guston, 2010).

Given the possible improvements in cost of materials, speed and energy efficiency, what are some of the possible benefits and implications for society from nano – technology?

The technology is used in revolutionizing most of the electronic applications and products such as nan transistors, plasma displays and quantum computers.

The energy sector also benefits from it by enabling development of more effective energy-absorbing and energy-producing products and even more efficient energy storage devices. The technology also enable the manufacturing industries with developing production materials which are more durable, lighter and stronger.in the medical sector, the nano-technology enables the researchers to come up with more effective drugs which cure diseases especially those that are life threatening more quickly and without side effects (Priest, 2010).
Discuss the possible hazards to the environment, human health, and to society from nano – scaled materials and devices.

Nano-technology has brought about competition in market for certain products such as diamond and oil due to the recovery of more effective alternative sources of energy hence making them to lose value. This leads to shutting down of the related industries hence leading to loss of jobs to most people. Due to the small size of these particles, it is possible to inhale the minute particles hence causing health-related problems. The nano-technology enables development of atomic weapons which are easy to create leading to easy accessibility and when they fall to the wrong hands, it becomes a security threat to the society (Guston, 2010).


Guston, D. H. (2010). Encyclopedia of nanoscience and society. London: SAGE. Press.

Priest, S. H. (2010). Encyclopedia of science and technology communication. Thousand Oaks,

Calif: SAGE. Press.

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