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November 20, 2023

Racial Discrimination and Slavery

Racial Discrimination and Slavery

Racism as a Determinant of Health: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis

Racism refers to treating a person in a different and less favorable way than another based on their skin color, race, hair texture or other facial features. Discrimination is a genre which has been revolving in the world for many decades.  It can take various dimensions. This article features health provision based on the racial grounds. It provides the relationship between physical and mental health outcomes and the reported racism.

A data carried out in the U.S which was analyzed using the random method showed that racism was highly associated with the poor mental and physical health. Such health problems include depressions, anxiety and other diseases. Racism impacts health status through several ways. It causes decreased access to housing, education, and employment. Denial or being limited to such needs which are basic can expose one into mental illness. Reduced participation in healthy behaviours due to racism also makes one not to get enough exercise and sleep (DeGruy, 2017). One may end up engaging in unhealthy behaviours such as alcohol consumption.

Racism is, therefore, an evil vice which can have adverse and negative impacts on the health of individuals. If a person is treated with less favour compared to the simply because they differ in their race, it becomes a mental bother to the person. The discriminated person may develop stress due to continuous thinking as to why such mistreatments have to happen to them. This interferes with their memory and may end up having mental problems. Physical illnesses like hypertension may also result. The study uses a mixed method. Some statistical tests are used to link the results to a statistical relationship. The researcher also relies on their assumption regarding the racial discrimination and its effects on the health status of individuals.

Racism is a rampant vice in the US. A study carried out in the U.S provided the early symptoms of the adverse effects of racism on the health status. The study majored on the poor physical and mental illness caused by the racial discrimination among the African-American population. The study provided a consistent substantiation regarding the relationship between the mental illness and racism. Physical illnesses like hypertension were also associated with the racism. This is due to much thinking of the reasons behind such mistreatments.  Then non-natives may even fail to get appropriate medical care just because of their race.

Would Racism Exist If There Is No US Slavery?

Slavery refers to an involuntary subjection to others. It stresses the notion of full control and ownership by a master to be traded into bondage. The article features on the slavery on Africans by the Americans.

A few years ago, the blacks used to be taken into captivity by the whites where they were used to provide forced labor. The US has been known to possess the (White) discrimination and nativism against the immigrants and the indigenous people for many decades. If the nation had never practiced slavery, it is no doubt that it would be different.  The civil war would not have been there where numerous black people fought for freedom of their own and the independence of their loved ones.  The slavery by the U.S left many psychological scars to the Africans. Slavery played a big role in the displacement of the African Americans who were assassinated in the south. The Mexican descendants were also assassinated. Some of the white immigrants also suffered the humiliations of discrimination until their assimilation (In Sullivan, & In Cross, 2016). Slavery encourages a lot of dehumanization and violence. The racial discrimination is still rampant and the US Embassy denies receiving the dark-skinned outsiders.

The white sovereignty still exists as a system without the heritage of slavery. This racial discrimination has been ignited by the slavery spirit in the US.  If the US could end slavery, there would be no racism and the African-Americans would enjoy living in the states. To improve the lives of the blacks in the States, the global phenomenon of the white predominance should be eradicated to end slavery and racism. The study is qualitative. It relies on the researcher’s description and point of view on the relationship of the racism and slavery among the African-Americans.

The America has been known to dominate over the Africans. They use them as forced labor due to racism without paying them. The Africans are mistreated and made to submit to the Americans as slaves. This is all caused by the racial discrimination. The US Embassy even denies receiving the dark-skinned colors. The Africans are even discriminated against health care and employment opportunities. Other immigrants like the Mexicans also suffer from such discrimination. Ending the vice may not be easy, but if the notion of racism would be cleared out of the minds, the slavery spirit would come to an end.


DeGruy, J. (2017). Post traumatic slave syndrome: America’s legacy of enduring injury and

healing. Amistad. Press.

In Sullivan, J. M., & In Cross, W. E. (2016). Meaning-making, internalized racism, and African

American identity. Press.

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