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January 23, 2024

Writing Skills for Medical Professionals

Patient knowledge is important in decreasing the progression of the disease in chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this case, writing the final project report about “Effectiveness of Kidney Smart Program in Increasing Patients Knowledge and Lowering Progression in CKD patients” was essential. However, the project requires an insemination of ideas to produce a quality manuscript. The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss ideas learned from the articles that help in preparation for the final project report.

Developing as a scholarly writer: The experience of students enrolled in a PhD in nursing program in the United States by Elizabeth A. Gazza a, ⁎, Teresa Shellenbarger b,1 , Diane F. Hunker

The article demonstrates the ways to develop as a scholarly writer. The project requires high scholarly skills to inseminate information to the patients and other users. I found this article important in aiding me to develop a project whose writing level meets the expected standards for a medical professional graduate. Such is because the article disseminated the relevant approaches to developing scholarly writing skills. A major idea that I found helpful in this article is the practice of engaging or involving peers and faculty who are knowledgeable about scholarly writing (Gazza, Shellenbarger & Hunker, 2013). Although writing is more of an individual basis, sharing information and seeking guidance from faculty and peers is a great approach in achieving a high-standard writing level.

Generating the content of writing involves numerous incidences of changing ideas and hence, consulting the faculty is important to integrate teaching-learning activities (Gazza, Shellenbarger & Hunker, 2013). The title of my final project is wide and this can initiate a regular shift of ideas due to numerous literature reviews required. As such, the article emphasized the importance to consult the faculty and experts in scholarly writing. I found this idea viable because it will help me to avoid possible mistakes by receiving ideas and judgments from peers (Gazza, Shellenbarger & Hunker, 2013). As the peers read my content, they will identify mistakes that I failed to notice and by rectifying them, the final project will pose high scholarly writing standards.

Preparing Quality Improvement, Research, and Evidence-Based Practice Manuscripts by Marilyn H. Oermann, Kathleen Turner, and Margaret Carman

 The article presents guidelines on how to prepare QI and EBP manuscripts. Writing a project requires a good organization of manuscript through (QI) and (EBP). The project requires the mention of some EBP to indicate the effectiveness of kidney smart program in achieving the desired results. A project has to initiate these initiatives for the readers to get essential information that will lure them into using its ideas.  In this regard, I found the article useful in guiding the better organization of the project (Oermann, Turner & Carman, 2014). The project reports both quality improvement of chronic kidney disease and initiates the use of EBP to further make the readers assimilate the ideas. As such, a good idea formulated from this article is the chronological arrangement of philosophies through subtitles.

The article provides various subsections that ought to be followed in writing a manuscript. I found this arrangement of subtopics essential as it helps to organize ideas in a subsequent manner (Oermann, Turner & Carman, 2014). Such makes it easy for the readers to follow and connect ideas. The article has provided information on what should be written under every subtopic. Essentially, this arrangement becomes easy to avoid the mix up of ideas. I liked the idea of the SQUIRE guidelines method which provides the items to appear under QI and EBP sections (Oermann, Turner & Carman, 2014). In adopting these guidelines in arranging ideas, will ensure that the project contains relevant information and enhance the chances for acceptance for publication.

The two articles presented critical information that guides in writing the project. Sharing of information with peers and faculty helps to correct mistakes. Further, sequentially arranging ideas improves the presentation of the project. Therefore, the two articles are of much importance in guiding the project writing.


Gazza, E. A., Shellenbarger, T., & Hunker, D. F. (2013). Developing as a scholarly writer: The experience of students enrolled in a PhD in nursing program in the United States. Nurse Education Today33(3), 268-274.

Oermann, M. H., Turner, K., & Carman, M. (2014). Preparing quality improvement, research, and evidence-based practice manuscripts. Nursing Economics32(2), 57.

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