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January 23, 2024

Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Collaboration

Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Collaboration

Discussion 1

The inter-professional collaboration plays a critical role in improving communication among medical care teams. A healthy collaboration leads to improved outcomes for the patients at reduced costs and shorter admission time. Consequently, your post is crucial for various medical groups to discover the essence of good collaboration.

The first article was a great choice for your DNP project as it concerns cross-disciplinary collaboration. Collaboration allows the exchange of knowledge and clinical findings aimed at improving patients’ conditions (Fisher & Hill, 2018). Stroke and cardiology were eloquent examples used in the article with similar risks and symptoms, whose neurologists can form a good collaboration. Remarkably, the two health conditions depict the presence of Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO). Hence, the collaboration between the stroke and cardiology team is essential in disseminating their skills and experience to achieve sustainable solutions (Fisher & Hill, 2018). The solution focused on closing the PFO would still be beneficial in handling future events. In this regard, the importance of collaboration in disease control among healthcare teams in undebatable.

The second article had equally important information for the DNP project. Its focus on the reduction of admission time for stroke patients was paramount. I support the collaboration of the interdisciplinary teams in determining the BPRs through the collection and analysis of data (Morton & LaPLante, 2016).  Such a collaboration was useful to ensure that the conclusion was viable to support the hypothesis.  I commend the exclusion of this article from your DNP project in consideration of the bias in the program evaluation. The idea to exclude the article provides a chance to eliminate information that lacks sound background.


Fisher, M., & Hill, J. A. (2018). Ischemic stroke mandates cross-disciplinary collaboration. Circulation, 137(2), 103-105. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.032903

Morton, J., & LaPLante, K. L. (2016). Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Antimicrobial Stewardship: Immersion of Future Healthcare Professionals. Antimicrobial Stewardship: Principles and Practice, 391.

Discussion 2

Thank you for your post, which highlights the significance of the week’s reading in your scholarly writing. I commend your conviction about writer development in the field of the nursing profession. Undoubtedly, writing is an indispensable part of the nursing profession that requires special skills to secure publication. I support the crucial role of the high-skill level in writing your QI project to ensure clarity (Oermann, Turner & Carman, 2014). Your positive thoughts about the importance of these articles in writing fluent dialogues are fantastic. Therefore, the opinion to assimilate their information into your project implies the high possibility to compose an excellent manuscript. Moreover, your positive comments regarding the articles influence students and health care professionals with aspirations to write manuscripts, to make references in them.

I support your ardent mastery of each article’s main idea while majorly focusing on skillful writing. Outstandingly, the zeal to enhance the students’ writing skills has inspired institutions to integrate writing practices (Oermann, Turner & Carman, 2014). Further, I agree with you on the importance of positive criticism from peers in enhancing writing ability. As students commend on each other’s manuscripts, they note some mistakes that the individual writers failed to realize. As a result, the students correct their manuscripts and hence improving the chance of quality writing (Oermann, Turner & Carman, 2014). Formatting skills were also part of your learning, which are also an essential part of writing.

Further, I commend the determination to use SQUIRE in your QI project. The SQUIRE statement is vital for writing your manuscripts as it provides guidelines in the form of checklist items for consideration (Ogrinc et al., 2019).  The outline for preparing manuscript provided in the articles is also an essential item to follow in your writing. Generally, your enthusiasm to master the writing skills offered in these articles, positions you as a potential excellent scholarly writer.


Oermann, M. H., Turner, K., & Carman, M. (2014). Preparing quality improvement, research, and evidence-based practice manuscripts. Urologic Nursing, 34(3), 113-119.

Ogrinc, G., Armstrong, G. E., Dolansky, M. A., Singh, M. K., & Davies, L. (2019). SQUIRE-EDU (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence in Education): publication guidelines for educational improvement. Academic Medicine94(10), 1461.

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