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January 29, 2024

Self-Disclosure in ‘Blind Side

Self-Disclosure in ‘Blind Side’

Interpersonal communication is a vital concept that allows individuals to understand each other into more profound levels. Various theories of interpersonal communication include gendered, nonverbal, self-disclosure, among others. This paper evaluates the self-disclosure as a concept of interpersonal communication, as reflected throughout the movie, “The Blind Side.”  Self-disclosure refers to the process of revealing one’s information to others, which is unknown to them. The film describes Michael Oher – “Big Mike” who is an unfortunate abandoned child and an Afro-American teenage boy. Amidst his life struggles, Mike is taken in by Tuoy’s family that takes care of him until he attains both social and academic success.  The paper explores how self-disclosure has strengthened the relationship between Mike, Leigh Ann, and her family.

According to Lin & Utz (2017), verbal communication evidenced in social media through posting messages and making comments, especially on Facebook, plays a significant role in revealing an individual’s feelings, thoughts, and emotions. In this regard, people make themselves self-known and hence exhibiting self-disclosure form of interpersonal communication (Lin & Utz, 2017). The movie is characterized by a series of self-disclosure in various scenes. With Mike’s fear of intimidation and racial discrimination from the whites, he observed silence and isolation https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb. Such had impacts on dooming his confidence and realization of life goals. As such, the self-disclosure form of communication was of paramount importance in various aspects to ensure the development of his ego and his space in the alien living. On this note, several scenes display the concept of self-disclosure. Accordingly, self-disclosure mostly involves two individuals, whereby one of them intends to divulge personal information to the other.  As such, self-disclosure consents others understand us better and aid in developing a better relationship. The willingness to talk and interact with others in establishing healthy relationships advances through self-disclosure. For instance, the idea of self-disclosure allowed Leigh Ann to understand the needs of Michael and how he perceived life. On the other hand, Mike developed self-confidence by trusting Ann and her family in his efforts to grow and learn communication skills.  Initially, Michael did not like talking much, and such affected his relationship with others even at school. Such is because he feared how people would perceive him, considering his unfortunate circumstances, which withheld his confidence https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb.  However, the warmth of the foster family enhanced his confidence and disclosed his personal information to Ann and her family. Consequently, he became more

According to Liu (2015), intimacy plays a critical role in self-disclosure communication.  Self-disclosure enhances the closeness and intimate attachment between two parties. Consequently, attempts meant to hurt one party seemingly hurt the other. As such, one party cannot endure seeing their counterpart being hurt. Such is evidenced in observable incidence at a restaurant where Ann meets her friends, who get astonished of her relationship with the black boy.  Based on the social link the two have together, Ann, displeased with their intimidating remarks, responded that Mike was his son and that he needed a foster family https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb.   Her response silenced the friends’ criticisms, and the mention of Mike being her son indicated her seriousness concerning the care and love she had towards him. Elaine continued to ask Ann if she did not fear for her beautiful daughter – Collins, having Michael around https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb. Ann quickly realized the criticism and chose not to internalize the conversation. As this point, it was vividly disclosed to the friends that Ann was deeply disturbed by anything that despised Michael. Albeit Michael belonged to a different origin, the social bond he had with Ann could not allow her to withstand anyone trying to intimidate him.

Observably, the ability to disclose personal information relies on the confidence level that two parties share. As such, the process happens gradually over time, and the level of trust between the communicants is a vital determinant factor.  Such a relationship contributes to social bonding, which is beneficial to both parties. In this connection, on one occasion, Ann asks Mike to let her know one thing about him, and he expressed to dislike being called “Big Mike.” https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb Such a personal disclosure played the role to enhance the trust between the two parties.  Ann got to understand that although Mike was big in appearance, referring to him as “Big Mike” made him feel unaccommodated, uncomfortable, and humiliated and hence affecting his willingness to associate with others. From the mention of disliking the “Big Mike” name, Ann keenly perceived that as a reason for Michael’s discomfort when people attempted to approach him. In response, Ann promised to be calling him Michael. In this regard, Ann pledged to be calling him “Michael,” an indication that she would avoid anything that would hurt him by all means possible. The two continued to develop a close relationship as Michael felt comfortable at Ann’s family and trusted them more.

Self-disclosure may benefit an individual by drawing social support from the other party.  The concept allows one to reveal their special challenges to a trusted individual with the potential to help in some way. In featuring the movie “The Blind Side,” Michael came from a poor background. However, Ann seems to shed some light on his life and hence opens up to allow chances for mutual support. He utilizes well the opportunity he gets to live with a wealthy family to achieve success at any possible angle of life. Michael advances his football skills talents, which affords him a chance in a precious school, despite his poor academic performance. Besides, social support proves protective aspects beneficial to both parties. In reference to the love Ann has for Michael, she expresses anger and protection to defend her relationship with him. For instance, at the football match, a man yells racist comments about Michael, and Ann screams back to him https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb. Albeit Michael did not understand his role in the field and the rules to abide by, Ann felt that it was wrong for him to be approached in such a discriminatory manner.  She expresses disapproval of the man’s racism by ordering him to shut up. At this, self-disclosure communication is evidenced by Ann’s protection of Michael from the public’s disrespectful comments. Later, Michael makes an excellent play, and Ann turns to the man and proudly identifies Michael as her son. Such a scenario makes the man feel ashamed and forced to respect him despite his racial background.

However, self-disclosure can be risky. Such is evidenced by the fact that revealing private information to another person bestows them the authority over us due to the distinct information they possess regarding us (Robinson, 2017). the knowledge about one’s privacy can be used to counterattack the individual in case of conflicts and misunderstandings.  In other words, self-disclosure attracts incidences of being a social slave to the other party. Further, the knowledge of one’s confidential information can initiate the ability to attack or frustrate the individual whenever the other party regards. Such incidence is expressed at Wingate School, where the teachers discuss Michael’s class performance. The teachers disclose how disgusted they feel about receiving admissions of challenging students. One of them quoted that “they are just setting him up to failhttps://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb. Such a statement indicates the teachers’ perception of Michael as a stupid student who is set to fail their classes. Severally, teachers pass Michael to one another by awarding him grades C’s and D’s to do away with him. Their statements are clear indications that they hate Michael and would not hide their discriminatory remarks towards him. Apparently, one teacher commends Michael’s thinking capability by reading the poem. Notwithstanding, the other teachers dismiss such a compliment and denounce the remark by asking about his spelling. The teachers were insensitive to recognize the inner conversation of Michael through the poem https://www.uwatchfree.ac/netutv.php?vid=PvQfWFUp4xbb. In this regard, self-disclosure played a critical role in expressing how the teachers and society had labeled Michael as a failure and a problem they could not handle.

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