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January 29, 2024

Mixed Methods in Healthcare Research

Mixed Methods in Healthcare Research

Description of Mixed Method Research Design

The mixed-method is a research design that collects and analyzes data from both qualitative and quantitative research methods.   According to Hall & Roussel (2016), the technique is generally used if the integration of the two methods provides more authentic results of a study than when each is used alone. Using a mixed research method is stirred by the need to analyze complex research problems and improving the legitimacy of results analysis.

The Pros and Cons of Using a Mixed Method Research Design

A mixed research design exhibits various advantages as well as disadvantages when used in healthcare research. A significant benefit lies in the ability to analyze data than either qualitative or quantitative research comprehensively.  Healthcare research entails addressing multidimensional issues such as managing chronic illness. In this regard, the mixed method plays a critical role to potentially hitch the strengths and counterpoise the weaknesses realized in qualitative and quantitative research methods. Further, the mixed method allows the expansion of a study using the different aspects drawn from the two study approaches. As such, the researchers can substantiate findings to establish a firm basis for the conclusion or decision making.

However, this approach has some disadvantages.  For instance, the need to combine two study methods is time-consuming and demands explicit skills and experience in both qualitative and quantitative studies. As such, the study needs a group rather than alone researchers to conduct a study within a specified period (Kaur, 2016). In this regard, the method incurs higher expenses. Also, using this method prompts difficulties in integrating different data types. Innovative thinking is vital in this method to link information from different perspectives and make viable conclusions.  The biblical perspective requires that the life of human beings be highly regarded. The Bible requires that people carry each other’s burdens and care for their interests. According to Galatians (6:10), people should be kind and tender-hearted to one another. Apparently, mixed-methods seek to authenticate the practical analysis of data in healthcare research to find solutions to life-threatening illnesses (Horikawa-Barth, 2018). The research carried out should validate data that considers kind measures in handling patients.

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