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September 4, 2022

Cross-cultural psychology

Cross-cultural Psychology

  • Write a 3–5 page research paper in APA format proposing a cross-cultural psychology topic.
  • You can choose any research topic discussed in this course that you want to further research. It could be a topic that struck a chord with you through this course that you’d really like to see change, or a phenomenon or correlation you’re interested in learning more about.
  • Write the research paper in APA format and include all appropriate sections (with the exception of a results section). This includes:
    1. An abstract (a brief overview of the entire paper in one paragraph)
    2. Introduction (first paragraph(s) – about 2/3 of a page long)
    3. Literature review (a review of all that’s been studied on your topic of research thus far)
    4. Method and design section (how will you measure or research what it is you’re hoping to prove or learn more about?)
    5. Your hypothesis (included at the end of your introduction)
    6. Discussion (you can discuss the reasons why you arrived at your hypothesis since you’re not engaging in the actual research portion of the study)
    7. Conclusion (final paragraph(s)

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