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September 8, 2022

Persuasive Presentation Speech

Persuasive Presentation Speech

The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience creating a formal, motivational presentation from planning to delivery. You will gain experience selecting and narrowing a topic, researching a speech, and developing speaking notes and an outline. Although this presentation is persuasive, this assignment will help prepare you to make a successful presentation of most any kind.

A persuasive speech attempts to motivate an audience to change an attitude, belief, or behavior. For this reason, your chosen topic should be appropriate for this purpose.


  1. Select a topic which advocates involvement with a charitable organization. The topic should relate in some way to issues within communities and/or the environment and be one in which the public can become directly involved. Possible organizations may include, but are not limited to: MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), Wounded Warrior Project, Doctors Without Borders, USA, and Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
  2. Research your topic. You are not simply telling the audience about the organization. Your research should uncover the problems this organization aims to solve, how they are providing solutions, and how individuals can become involved.
  3. Organize the main points of your speech using a Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (Chapter 15).
  4. Provide adequate support for each main point by citing at least three credible sources in the speech. Incorporate examples, narratives, testimonial evidence, statistics, analogies, explanations, and/or definitions where appropriate. Sources must be cited orally in the speech.
  5. Create an introduction and conclusion.

Written Material

  1. Once you have thought through each part of the speech (introduction, body, & conclusion), create a Sentence Outline of your speech (Chapter 12). Your outline should show the full content of your speech and include a list of References in MLA format.
  2. Create speaking notes to use during your delivery. You should not speak from your outline. Use key words and phrases in your speaking notes rather than complete sentences. Your notes should serve only as a memory aid and should not be a word-for-word manuscript of your speech.

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