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September 14, 2022

 Practice Theory in Social Work

 Practice Theory in Social Work

Theory is a basis for assessments and interventions with clients and is used to guide intervention in social work practice. Practice theory is the body of knowledge that has been empirically tested and shown to be effective. Mastery of multiple practice theories, such as the systems theory, provides the social worker with a set of theorizing skills and aptitudes for dealing with a range of complex issues.

Systems theory is useful for developing a holistic view of persons-in-environment. It views the individual as one of many interrelated parts or subsystems (e.g., family, friends, church, school, work, and neighborhood). Each subsystem impacts all other parts and the whole system.

In this Discussion, you examine practice theory, via the systems theory approach, and how to apply it in social work practice.

By Day 3
  • Briefly describe the systems theory approach.
  • Illustrate how this model is implemented in social work.
  • Explain why this approach might be beneficial to clients.

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