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September 28, 2022

Strategic Role of Capacity Planning

Strategic Role of Capacity Planning


Supply chain management is a total systems approach to delivering manufactured products to the end customer. Using information technology to coordinate all elements of the supply chain from parts suppliers to retailers achieves a level of integration that is a competitive advantage not available in traditional logistics systems. (Bordoloi, p. 250). Supply chain modeling enables managers to evaluate which options will provide the greatest improvement in customer satisfaction at reasonable costs. (Bordoloi, p. 250).

Part 1 of this assignment is to draw a supply or value chain of your organizational goods or services. Use Figure 9.1 “Supply Chain for Physical Goods” on p. 250 as a guide to complete this part of the assignment. Services can be considered as acting on people’s minds (e.g., education, entertainment, religion), bodies (e.g., transportation, lodging, health care), belongings (e.g., auto repair, dry cleaning, banking), and information (e.g., tax preparation, insurance, legal defense). Thus, all services act on something provided by the customer (Bordoloi, p. 250). Part 2 of this assignment is to draw the bidirectional relationships between the service delivery organization, its supplier, and the customer. Use Figure 9.3 “Service Supply Bidirectional Relationships” on p. 250 as a guide to complete this part of the assignment. Make sure to provide details around these drawings that explain what is happening in each of the components and how the components are interrelated. Gartner states, “Balancing available resources against demand for those resources is essential to successful initiative completion” (Townsend, 2021). In the “8 Best
Practices of Capacity Planning” by PlanView Practices of Capacity Planning https://www.planview.com/resources/articles/best-practices-capacity-planning/, Scott  Townsend with Planview provides us with some strategies, best practices, and methodologies for capacity planning.

Based on this and Chapter 13 (pp. 357-374) in your textbook, discuss the strategic role of capacity planning, some best practices that you may utilize within your organization, and how capacity planning could play a vital part in the delivery of services within your organization.

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