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October 18, 2022

Quality Improvement Reporting

Quality Improvement Reporting


The Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) guidelines provide some guidance on the evaluation of quality improvement efforts. They are used as both grant proposal and manuscript preparation guides. Use the “Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence: SQUIRE 2.0” resource to respond to the following:
Discuss how your project/prospectus fits into the SQUIRE guidelines. Explain why your project is a quality
improvement project and not a research project.

Here is a summary of the clinical question; “Effectiveness of patient dietary education on CKD and dialysis patients with low albumin level.” Relate with the discussion

Topic 2 DQ 2


Define and distinguish among nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales used in the measurement of DPI project outcomes. Discuss the errors which can be made by failing to understand the proper use of measurement scales based on level and type of comparison.

Quality care is a paramount aspect in the healthcare setting to ensure improved patient outcomes. The Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) guidelines are set to guide in evaluating such quality improvement efforts. This paper discusses how my DPI relates to the SQUIRE guidelines and why it is an improvement project.

The SQUIRE guidelines enables the healthcare professionals in assessing the transparency and completeness of reporting quality improvement work.   In other words, they help to assess improvement of quality, value, and safety of healthcare, and the observed outcomes, in regard to the interventions (Oermann & Ingles, 2017). The intervention in my DPI project is patient education and its impact on the quality of life on the participants (Stolldorf et al., 2019). In this regard, my DPI fits into the SQUIRE guidelines since the project seeks to assess the quality of patient dietary education through the outcomes based on chronic kidney disease (CKD) improvement. In other words, the project evaluates how patient education impacts their willingness on seeking treatment, perception of depression, and hence improving their quality of life.

Evaluating the interventions used in this project are vital in concluding their effectiveness in impacting patient’s outcomes in terms of cost effectiveness and timeliness. My project is a quality improvement project and not a research project for various reasons. Firstly, unlike a research project which investigates a phenomenon to generalize findings to a population, my project seeks to improve care and quality among the CKD patient (Kashani et al., 2019).  Besides, the results are shareable within the hospital organization and implementable in other institutions. Research projects aim to add knowledge and information to the current literature regarding a given subject population (Oermann & Ingles, 2017). By contrast, the DPI aims to test a new intervention through a plan and act process while repeating the cycle and implementing new changes for improved outcomes.

In review, SQUIRE guidelines are vital in ensuring that the intervention measures implemented in healthcare services focus on quality improvement. The essay discussed how the DPI project integrates with the SQUIRE guidelines.

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