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January 25, 2023

Legitimacy of Concealed Firearms 

Legitimacy of Concealed Firearms 

According to Texas Penal Code § 46.03(f) an individuals are prohibited from intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possessing or going with a firearm on the physical premises of a school or educational institution, any grounds or building on which an activity sponsored by a school or educational institution is being conducted, or in a passenger transportation vehicle of a school or educational institution, whether the school or educational institution is public or private, unless pursuant to written regulations or written authorization of the institution. Concealed weapons permit holders are subject to this prohibition with the following exceptions.

Effective Dates:  August 1, 2016 for all state 4-year colleges and universities; August 1, 2017 for all state 2-year and junior colleges.

The new Texas law will permit individuals who have obtained a concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry their loaded, concealed weapon in college and university buildings.  Each college and university may determine certain sensitive areas and buildings* where concealed weapons will continue to be prohibited. Each college and university must publicly display campus policies on the official school website, as well as widely publicizing it among correspondence with the institution’s faculty, staff, and students. Previous laws permitting the concealed carry with a license on open campus grounds and in locked vehicles in parking lots will remain unchanged (see note 2 below).

Do you agree or disagree with allowing people to carry concealed handguns on public college and university campuses? Why or why not?
2. When it comes to “sensitive areas” according to the law above, identify at least one area where should handguns be prohibited on a public or university campus and explain why. You must identify at least one area.

  1. How is this topic related to the individualistic and traditionalistic political cultures in Texas?
  2. Do you agree with campus carry? Why or why not?
  3. Identify at least one area on campus that should be labeled as a “sensitive area” in accordance with the law.

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