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February 7, 2023

Solutions to Online Bullying Proposal

Solutions to Online Bullying Proposal

As technology advances, new social issues arise regarding the way individuals interact through this technology. As a society, we face challenges related to how these interactions affect our thoughts and behavior. By applying personality theories, we can seek to further understand the causes for these issues. Through understanding the causes, we can create possible solutions to help improve human interactions in society.

Research a technology-mediated social issue related to one of the following:

  • Online bullying
  • Social media interactions
  • Online communications
  • Online purchases
  • Online scams
  • Adolescent use of social media and text messaging
  • Online dating sites and apps
  • Online gaming

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word proposal for a solution to this social issue by applying either the social cognitive or cognitive social learning personality theories to explain human behavior related to the issue. Include the following in your proposal:

A description of the issue and explanation of how technology has contributed to its development. Support your explanation with research.
An explanation of human behavior related to online social engagement and learning.
Possible reasons for this social issue in society based on your explanation of behavior.
An application of your chosen personality theory to propose possible solutions for this issue.

The present technological advancement, particularly in the communication sector, like the development of numerous practical communication applications and the increment of fame of high-tech phones, has substantially enhanced the social media applications; thus, online or cyberbullying has taken different formats. Essentially, online bullying is the oppression or intimidation in electronic media using digital devices like phones and computers. Further, the oppression on the internet entails an unidentified individual either sending or posting harsh and unkind messages regarding another individual. Besides, the social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are among the common region of online bullying. The messaging app introduction has essentially amplified the cases of online bullying. Hence, the paper explains the relative causes of cyberbullying, the relationship between cyberbullying and Mischel’s cognitive-affective Model of Personality, and the plausible resolutions to mitigate the bullying by utilizing the Mischel’s cognitive-affective Model of Personality.

A description of the issue

Cyberbullying is one of the primary challenges that have been on the increase with the development of technology. Although initially the problem was perceived as merely impacting the celebrities and the public figures, with the increasing influence and role of technology, this issue has developed to impact almost every individual. Also, peer aggression has had a major contributor to cyberbullying. Unlike ordinary bullying, online bullying entails electronic media with the main aim of causing harm, particularly psychological harm (Craig et al., 2020). Cyberbullying has numerous consequences; thus, the requirement of having the issue handled and the scourge averted. Some of the problems that need addressing encompass safeguarding the anonymity potential by the new media to protect against intruders mainly.

Cyberbullying has advanced over time with the development of online platforms, especially web pages and applications. Online bullying is similar to unmonitored groups and pages that take advantage of the freedom to harm others. Whereas the apparent resolution would seem to be the control of the online activities, there are several gaps and loopholes and reservations to doing such (Fullerton et al., 2019). This could be the primary reason why cyberbullying, acknowledged as an actual challenge, has not been handled effectively. Nonetheless, deeming the increasing trend linked to cyberbullying, the problem cannot continue to be ignored because if not handled, it is only likely to lead to permanent damage. Also, the psychological influence of cyberbullying has resulted in huge repercussions on the impacted victims.

Reasons and human behavior related to online social engagement and learning

One of the significant challenges of cyberbullying is that it does not target any particular person. It impacts all the people who have access to social media platforms, which implies that all the online users using online for positive activities could become victims of a few malicious individuals. However, one of the positive influences of social media is that it provides a platform for social engagement and learning for the people seeking these services ending up being victims of cyberbullying (Jungup, Hsieh & Thornberg, 2020). Online bullying is human behavior directly linked to different traits and situations. Various reasons are associated with the current increment in cyberbullying, consisting of the necessity of feeling good, peer influence, and retaliation against previously being bullied, among many more. Hence, bullying challenges are often linked to the environment of a person because the impact has an enormous bearing on how cyberbullying and bullies develop (Shariff & Hoff, 2016). Social engagement and learning are impacted by cyberbullying, which is on increment due to the security problems of information and online media, hence relying on the traits only to aid the definition of bully or reasons behind their activities becomes more or less challenging.

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