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February 8, 2023

Evolution of the Training Profession

Evolution of the Training Profession

Assignment Content

Submit an assignment (paper):

  • Describe the evolution of the training profession from WWII to the present.
  • Compare and contrast the various types of training.
  • Describe the type of training that your organization currently uses.
  • Review a training that you have attended recently:
  • What type of training was presented?
  • Did it meet the learning needs of the professionals attending?
  • How could the session be improved to include best practices?
  • How might those who plan training programs be supportive of each other’s efforts?


Employee training can be traced back to the origin of enterprises. There were no classrooms and professional trainees; thus, the people would acquire the required skills to learn from individuals within their communities who have effectively mastered the skills. Therefore, the younger generation would learn to fish, build, and hunt to survive within the community and promptly provide for their families. The paper discusses the evolution of training from WWII to the present, various forms of training, and the training techniques applied within the organization. It also reviews the training that I recently attended.

Evolution of Training from WWII to Present

During WWII, the employees were studied mainly to enhance their effectiveness and eradicate non-productive time. Hence, they mainly applied a systematic strategy to ensure increment in production. However, after the war, most of the workforce was not particular to this strategy, and managers were trained in psychology to comprehend the optimal ways of leading and understanding other workers. The era enhanced the implementation of behaviorism, and individual instruction was adopted to reduce the training expenses. Nevertheless, in the 1960s, this form of training was replaced with machines that resulted in computer-based training. Most people and organizations preferred this training technique since it allowed the trainees to train privately and review the training information at their pace. In the 1970s, the training shifted to the social challenges within the community and the sensitivity of others (Imperatore & Hyslop, 2017). However, in the 1980s, there was a halt in employee training due to downsizing and the partial technological development and automation of certain companies, which offered cheaper, accurate, and faster production processes than human labor. The training in the 1990s centered on performance and learning. Although technological advancement has ensured easier and more effective training techniques, the traditional classroom is often applied since most people prefer it.

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