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February 15, 2023

Causes of Asthma in Children

Causes of Asthma in Children

MAERB CompetencyCognitive

  • Describe structural organization of the human body (BL 2)
  • Identify body system (BL 2)
  • Identify common pathology related to each body system including (Bl 2)
  1. signs
  2. symptom
  3. Etiology
  4. diagnostic measures
  5. treatment modalities

Identify Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waived tests associated with common disease (BL 2)

Assignment Overview:

The projects you will be completing address the information literacy and oral communications competency objectives that are stated on your course outline. As part of your effort to begin developing your critical thinking skills, you will learn how to gather information, summarize and identify key points, distinguish fact from opinion, raise questions and form a personal perspective regarding a disease.

Developing a TopicSelect a topic related to an anatomy/pathophysiology issue. Do some brainstorming on your possible choices. Choose something interesting to you that you would like to research (for the example-any genetic disorder). OR, choose any Chronic Diseases that affect a wide range of individuals and have a wider range of signs and symptoms.

Once you finalize your topic, you will need to conduct research on your own to find the information needed about that disease.

Your paper should include the following aspects of the disease:

  • Introduction-Discuss the disease in general (the organ/organ systems involved, causes, risk factors, geographical distribution, the population affected, etc.)
  • How the disease is diagnosed? Any Diagnostic/Laboratory test advised for diagnosis?
  • Possible signs, symptoms, and complications of the disease.
  • Treatment and management of the disease. Any recent advancements in the field of treatment for the disease.
  • Conclusion– How does the disease affect the daily lifestyle of an individual? How could you apply your research information/findings to your personal and professional life?

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