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February 23, 2023

Analyzing The Pitcher Poem

Analyzing The Pitcher Poem

Discussion Question

After reading “The Pitcher” by Robert Francis, consider how the poem itself works the way a good pitcher does. Which lines illustrate what they describe?

“The Pitcher” by Robert Francis is a poem that uses the imagery of a baseball pitcher to explore themes of control, precision, and the balance between form and spontaneity. The poem works in a way that is similar to a good pitcher in that it builds tension and delivers a powerful, precise conclusion. Here are some lines that illustrate this:

  • “His art is eccentricity, his aim / How not to hit the mark he seems to aim at” – This line describes the pitcher’s unconventional approach to his craft, highlighting the importance of creativity and unpredictability in achieving success.
  • “For the perfect wrong.” – This line suggests that the pitcher’s aim is not to strike out every batter, but to throw just enough of a curveball to keep them off balance.
  • “I know the catcher is bound to miss / The pitch, the way I miss his / Exaggerated ideas of where / One ought to stand.” – These lines capture the tension between the pitcher and the catcher, who must work together in order to succeed. The pitcher acknowledges that he may not always be able to control the outcome of his pitches, just as the catcher may not always be able to predict where the ball will go.
  • “The ball spins free, it spins / Out of the pitcher’s hand, / And into the catcher’s glove, / As if nothing had happened, / As if the pitcher had planned it so.” – These lines describe the moment when the pitcher’s delivery becomes effortless and precise, resulting in a perfect pitch. The use of repetition in “as if” emphasizes the idea that this moment is not the result of luck or chance, but of the pitcher’s skill and experience.

Retrospectively, “The Pitcher” uses vivid imagery and precise language to explore the themes of control, precision, and the balance between form and spontaneity. The poem itself works in a way that is similar to a good pitcher, building tension and delivering a powerful, precise conclusion.

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