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February 23, 2023

Advantages of Quantitative Method

Advantages of Quantitative Method

Topic 1 DQ 1 Question:

The Direct practice improvement (DPI) project is conducted using a quantitative method. Describe and provide a rationale for using a quantitative method in contrast to other methods (e.g., qualitative method or mixed method). Describe how the quantitative methodology is in line with your project’s clinical questions. Provide evidence supporting your response (1 page of 3 paragraphs)

Here is a summary of my clinical question is “Effectiveness of patient dietary education on CKD and dialysis patients with low albumin level.” So you can relate with the discussion

Topic 1 DQ 2 Questions:

The DPI project is conducted using a quasi-experimental design. Describe the design and provide the rationale for using a quasi-experimental design in contrast to other designs (e.g., descriptive, comparative, or experimental designs). Provide evidence supporting your response.

Topic 1 DQ 1 Question:

Conducting a research involves a combination of experiences and reasoning. Various methods used include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods which have their significances and setbacks. In conducting the direct practice improvement (DPI) project, quantitative method was chosen over the other methodologies. The use of numbers and statistical analysis involved in quantitative approach has various benefits including allowing to reach a higher sample size.  The project would involve a large population size to include patients with low albumin levels and hence, this was more practical by using quantitative method, over quantitative method which is applicable where there is a need to test and confirm assumptions or theories (Zhang et al., 2019).  In other words, studying a larger sample size for hypothesis, requires the use of quantitative approach for an accurate generalized conclusion

Mixed method ensures synergistic utilization of data for by integrating the two methods.  However, there was no theories for testing and hence the method was not applicable. Assessing the quantity and quality of food intake by chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is critical (Zelko et al., 2019). In this regard, quantitative method is appropriate due to the statistical nature of the data involved such as short term dietary recalls, urea kinetic based estimates, food frequency questionnaires (FFQ), and several days of food records (Affret et al., 2017).  These information aids to compare dietary patterns of a given patient population and assess the outcomes of dietary adherence.

A study by Opiyo et al. (2019), revealed that effectiveness of patient dietary education on CKD was relatively low due to high rate of non-adherence to the recommended food patterns.  the study used a self-reported questionnaire to obtain information regarding dietary patterns of the patients. However, despite the high awareness of the dietary prescriptions, the lack of palatability of the foods including elimination of salt additives was a challenge that led to non-adherence.

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