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February 23, 2023

Japan Employment Communications

Japan Employment Communications

Employment Communication Report Guidelines

Project Overview

You are required to write a business report in which you address the following four subtopics:

  • The Role of Interpersonal Skills in the Job Search Process
  • Interpersonal Skills I Need to Strengthen and What I Am Currently Doing or Plan to Do to Strengthen Them
  • The Role of Professionalism Attributes in the Job Search Process
  • Professionalism Attributes I Need to Strengthen and What I Am Currently Doing or Plan to Do to Strengthen Them

FYI:  There are two handouts in Handouts folder on Canvas that you might find helpful in familiarizing yourself the above-mentioned topics.  One is entitled Interpersonal Skills and the other Professionalism Attributes.

Do not include an “introduction” or “summary” in the Report Body section of your report.  Instead, simply address the four subtopics listed above!  

Research Requirements

  • Minimum of four sources. One can be an interview if you wish, while the others should be from articles and books.
  • Your report should contain a minimum of three quotations and/or paraphrases. These should be noted in the APA style in the report body and also on the Citations page at the end of the report.

Report Contents and Length Requirements

  • Title Page: 1 page
  • Report Body: Exactly 3 full pages—not shorter or longer.  (Points will be deducted if shorter or longer than requested!)
  • Sources Page: 1 page (Could be more than one page, however, depending on the number of sources you use.)
  • Citations Page: 1 page (Could be more than one page, however, depending on the number of citations you include.)

Title Page

Leave a two-inch top margin followed by the report title Employment Communication.  Then, leave one inch of blank vertical space between each title page section.

  • Report Title       (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 14 point, boldfaced, centered horizontally)
  • Prepared for    (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 12 point, boldfaced, centered horizontally)                                                                                                                                       Insley                         (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 10 point, not boldfaced, centered horizontally)
  • Prepared by       (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 12 point, boldfaced, centered horizontally)                                                                         Your Name          (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 10 point, not boldfaced, centered horizontally)
  • Date                    (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 12 point, boldfaced, centered horizontally)

Month #, 201_           (Font: Times New Roman, Type Size 10 point, not boldfaced, centered horizontally)  

  • Side Headings:  The Role of Interpersonal Skills in the Job Search Process                                                                                                   Interpersonal Skills I Need to Strengthen and What I Am Currently Doing  or Plan to Do to Strengthen Them
  • The Role of Professionalism Attributes in the Job Search Process
  • Professionalism Attributes I Need to Strengthen and What I Am Currently

Boldface side headings but don’t italicize or underscore them, use 14-point type size, leave one blank line before each side heading starting with the second side heading, and do not leave a blank line immediately following each side heading. Use the exact same wording as above for each and address them in the same  order as above.

  • Bulleted Listings: Some allowed, but don’t overdo it.
  • Sentences & Paragraphs: should not be boldfaced, use 12-point type size, single space paragraphs, leave  one blank line between paragraphs, do not indent the first line of each paragraph, and citations in APA style.

Sources Page  

List of all resources from which you accessed information. 

One-inch top margin, title: Sources, Times New Roman, Type Size 14, center horizontally, boldface, use a 12-point type size for each source, single space each source, leave one blank line between sources, use APA style.

Citations Page    (List of all resources from which you drew quotations or paraphrases.) 

One-inch top margin, title: Citations, Times New Roman, Type Size 14, center horizontally, boldface, use a 12-point type size for each citation, single space each citation, leave one blank line between citations, use APA style.  

The Role of Interpersonal Skills in the Job Search Process

While position-relevant skills are paramount aspects in the process of job search, a compelling demonstration of interpersonal skills can make a huge difference. Interpersonal skills refer to the behaviors and qualities exhibited during interaction with other people through both verbal and non-verbal communication. Such skills illustrated through attitudes and body language express our abilities to excel at work and hence are essential while searching for a job opportunity. Various roles relate to interpersonal skills.  Below are the purposes of interpersonal skills in the job search process.

Emotional intelligence – this refers to the ability to control emotions and circumnavigate social situations with tranquility. Notably, people spend a sizeable percentage of their life at work where they interact with other colleagues from different backgrounds Phiri et al., (2019). As such, emotional stability and consideration is a vital skill that most employers look for while filling job positions. Such skills aid in maintaining an excellent workplace atmosphere where employees can exploit their talents without fear of emotional attacks.  Phiri et al., (2019), states that   “Interpersonal emotion management theoretical tactics from  Gross take a  shot at emotion management of oneself and the thought that people deal with others emotions at work utilizing similar strategies that they use to deal with their very own emotions.” Therefore, when seeking a job position, it is essential to note that employers would mostly consider individuals with the ability to remain calm under pressure and avoid spilling over their frustrations to fellow employees.

Interpersonal skills nurture active communication – communication is an exemplary skill which should be excellently demonstrated to potential employers. Hiring managers probably look for individuals with the ability to articulate complex ideas to others.  Seemingly, several job types entail team-based collaboration and dealing with clients. In this regard, both verbal and non-verbal communication skills are vital to maintaining good rapport. Appropriate body language and eye contact aid in the expression of thoughts more elegantly (Schütte et al., 2018). For instance, in selling a product, the expression tactics of the importance of such a product should convince a customer that the product is of high quality and something they need. In the workplace, an employee is expected to communicate with a wide range of customers, fellow employees, suppliers, and managers. As such, effective communication is necessary for a successful working life.

Empathy – this describes the ability to understand and express responsiveness to others. Employers seek individuals who demonstrate the ability to listen and thoughtfully respond to other employees and clients in an empathetic manner. Empathy allows an individual to manage anxiety and hence reducing undesired emotions at any rate (Phiri et al., 2019). For instance, if a client presents a complaint, employees should express compassion in the client’s concerns. Empathy skills enable one to cope well with everyone else in the workplace, and hence minimizing possible disputes for a smooth workflow.

Self-confidence is another considerable skill by potential employers. In a job search, it is crucial to exhibit virtues that you are the right candidate for the specific position (Schütte et al., 2018). It is vital to conduct a research about the company you intend to work and the job role. Such imparts a sense of assuredness to answer potentially difficult questions during the interview. In this regard, the prospective employer gets a good first impression of the job candidate.

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