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February 23, 2023

Barriers to Evidence-based Practice in Nursing

Barriers to Evidence-based Practice in Nursing


The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to HealthyPeople.gov, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

Evidence-based Practice in Nursing

Evidence based practice is whereby nurses use critical and science proven evidence in providing health care that is quality to a particular population. The goal is however hindered from being achieved by several barriers. Individual barriers like lack of knowledge and skills, personal attitudes of the nurses and lacking professional characteristics hinder the implementation of evidence-based nursing (Shayan et al, 2019). Majority of nurses are found to be unaware of the concept, tools and application of evidence nursing hence do not apply it in their practice.

Most of them view it as a new concept that was introduced later during their practice and is hard to change towards adopting it. They also do not consider research as an important component of their practice hence do not embrace the practice which is centered on research. Organizational barriers like limited resources and lack of supervision and support also affect the implementation of evidence nursing in a great way (Duncombe et al, 2018). It has been reported that nurses in most organizations lack the appropriate resources and material to make some of the interventions. Staff shortage among nurses, lack of computers and proper internet connectivity affect evidence nursing. Lack of direction and authority from the leaders in implementing evidence nursing is a great barrier.

Ways of Addressing the Barriers

Nurses should be trained to equip them with the appropriate knowledge and skills in implementing this practice. They should be provided with information enough to change their attitude towards research as a pillar of evidence nursing (Fry et al., 2018). Administrators and leaders in nursing should support the nurses by providing adequate material and human resources. They should also carry out supervision adequately to facilitate implementation of this practice that translates to improved quality of health care. Changing towards evidence-based nursing practice is not easy and takes willingness from both the nurses and the administration to implement it effectively.

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