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February 24, 2023

Decrease in Employee Productivity and Engagement

Decrease in Employee Productivity and Engagement

In a 5- to 6-page paper, address the following task:

State a hypothetical or actual business problem that might lend itself to action research.  Provide a description of the problem and identify what questions need to be answered. Then, briefly outline a plan that includes the action that is proposed to be taken. Briefly identify what type of data would likely result from the proposed action. Describe how you might evaluate and reflect on the data and what action you may consider taking in the next iteration.

In Module 4, select three different methods of data collection that you intend to use in your action research. Briefly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Explain your rationale for the method selection, including a discussion of why the data collection method is suitable for addressing the problem or issue under consideration. Further, explain how you would organize and carry out the data collection. Finally, describe specifics regarding how you might reflect upon the data and use it to prepare for taking action with resulting solutions. (5-6 pages added to your case paper in Module 3.

Must follow APA formatting and demonstrate clarity, depth, and critical thinking. As you answer the questions posed in this case, include supporting rationale and cited sources.

Hypothetical business problem: Decrease in Employee Productivity and Engagement

Description: A company is experiencing a decrease in employee productivity and engagement, which is affecting the overall performance and profitability of the organization. Employees are feeling disengaged and demotivated, leading to decreased productivity and increased absenteeism.

Questions to be answered:

  1. What factors are contributing to the decrease in employee productivity and engagement?
  2. How can the organization improve employee engagement and motivation?
  3. What changes can be made to increase employee productivity?

Proposed plan: The organization will initiate an action research project to identify the root cause of the decrease in employee productivity and engagement. The first step will be to conduct a survey of employees to gain insights into their perceptions of the work environment, job satisfaction, and motivation levels. Based on the survey results, the organization will implement changes such as providing more training and development opportunities, increasing employee recognition and rewards, and improving communication and collaboration among teams. The progress of the intervention will be monitored through regular feedback and engagement surveys.

Data that would likely result from the proposed action: The data that would likely result from the proposed action includes survey results, feedback from employees, and performance metrics such as absenteeism rates and productivity levels.

Evaluation and reflection on the data: The organization will evaluate the survey results to identify patterns and trends, which will help to develop a plan for improving employee engagement and productivity. Feedback from employees will also be analyzed to identify areas where the organization can improve. Performance metrics such as absenteeism rates and productivity levels will be used to track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.

Next iteration: Based on the evaluation and reflection of the data, the organization may consider implementing additional changes or modifications to the intervention. For instance, if the feedback from employees suggests that communication is still an issue, the organization may consider implementing more frequent team meetings or communication training. The organization will continue to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention through ongoing feedback and engagement surveys.

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