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March 6, 2023

Principles of Building Rapport

Principles of Building Rapport

  • Define and describe one of the first three principles building rapport – confidence, creativity, or caring.

Answer the following three questions using 300 to 350 words for each response.  Each question is worth 10% of your overall grade and there is additional scoring for proper grammar and citations for a total of 7 points.  You must use course material to support your work, with full APA citations, to earn the most points. Please be sure to double-space the document.  You will score few to no points for not using course material.  Be sure to include a reference list at the end.  Finally, don’t forget to ensure you’ve covered ALL ELEMENTS of each question.

  1. Explain one way one can alter your verbal and one way you can alter your nonverbal communication to enhance their job satisfaction at work, using and citing Bevan (Section 6.2).  Then, discuss how following these guidelines could help you or some hypothetical worker to be more satisfied at work.
  2. In section 7.2, Bevan discuss many elements of conversation management.  Here you will address establishing rapport specifically by doing the following:
  • Explain what rapport is and why it matters.
  •  Define and describe one of the first three principles building rapport – confidence, creativity, or caring.
  • Share an example to illustrate how one of the principles can enhance either a personal or professional relationship.

3. Self-disclosure is an important part of relationship-building and maintenance and is also important for self-                  awareness and mental health.  To demonstrate understanding of this topic, please do the following:

  1. Define self-disclosure, using and citing Bevan.
  2. Explain at least two of the rewards of self-disclosure (e.g better self-understanding and personal mental health and building and maintaining meaningful relationships).
  3. Explain at least two of the risks of self-disclosure.
  4. As an activity, share something personal that is going on in your life with a friend or co-worker face-to-face. Then, share this same information with someone else via electronic communication (e.g. email, text, or social media).  What were the differences between the experience of sharing information and receiving the response in person versus electronically? Discuss both the verbal and/or nonverbal cues you observed in both yourself and the other party.

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