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March 6, 2023

Strategic Management Accounting

Strategic Management Accounting

The report should be 1500-2000 words      

Wattle Jet case study:

Wattle Jet case indicates that this company lacks that formal approach to strategic management. At monthly management meetings, strategic issues are discussed in an ad-hoc manner, and the company reacts to changes in the marketplace simultaneously. There is no formal strategic plan, no strategic goals, and objectives, nor is there any formal approach to strategic analysis.

To address this problem, Wattle Jet’s management accountant has undertaken a strategic analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). She now plans to follow up with other aspects of the strategic planning process. The current intention is to focus on Wattle Jet’s stakeholders and to identify:

  • Significant stakeholders
  • The value each stakeholder brings to, and requires from, the company
  • Strategic objectives related to providing stakeholder value and
  • Strategies to achieve the strategic objectives.

With the above on the one side, Australian aviation regulations require Wattle Jet airlines to install a new air traffic control technology called ADS-B system by the end of 2018. Wattle Jet has the option of an early adoption and has prepared an evaluation of the project including a risk analysis and a net present value (NPV) analysis.

Wattle Jet now wishes to extend their risk analysis of the ADS-B project to include an estimate of the project’s payback time. Additionally, because of recent reductions in interest rates to stimulate the economy, Wattle Jet wishes to determine the sensitivity of the project’s NPV to a 1% decrease in the company’s finance cost( the company’s weights average cost of capital- WACC).

Project Cash Flows:

 The estimated up-front costs for implementing ADS-B were $235,000. Additional ongoing training, testing and implementation costs of $75,000 were to be incurred during the first year of the project. Table 1 reveals the probability analysis of the estimated fuel and other efficiency savings from an early upgrade to ADS-B, compared to waiting until 2018.

Table 1: Estimated fuel and other efficiency savings from an early upgrade to ADS-B

Year 1Year 2Year 3


Table 2: Calculations for weighted average

Year 1Year 2Year 3
30% * $45,300$13,59030% * $111800$33,54030% * $145,300$43,590
50% * $86,800$43,40050% * $152,000$76,00050% * $178,000$89,000
20% * $114,000$22,80020% *$165,000$33,00020% * $190,000$38,000
Weighted Average:$79,790Weighted average:$142,540Weighted average:$179,590


Project Implementation:

Wattle Jet decided to proceed with the AADS-B project. At the end of Year 1 (12 months), the project accountant completes an earned value analysis of the project as a part of their budget and schedule monitoring activity. The accountant noted that the project was 60% complete and that $200,000 had been spent in the year. The project was originally scheduled for completion in 16 months.

  • Use the weighted average savings calculated in Table 2 and other cash flow information to calculate the project’s payback time.
  • Comment on your results: how does the project payback inform your views on the risk of the project?
  • Wattle Jet has forecast a new WACC of 13% over the project life. What is the sensitivity of NPV to this 1% decline in discount rate? Express the sensitivity of NPV as a percentage of total investment in the ADS-B system ($310,000)
  • Calculate Wattle Jet’s earned value variances and comment on the results. Is the project ahead of, or behind schedule? Is it over or under budget?

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