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March 8, 2023

Patient Issues Impacting Nursing

Patient Issues Impacting Nursing

Week 2:

The focus for week two will be on understanding the political system and identifying and analyzing a problem at the grassroots (local) level.

Week 2 Discussion Question – Discuss a patient care issue or issue impacting professional nursing at the local level which, through nursing leadership, resulted in a policy change at the local, state or national level.

Week 3:

The focus in week three will be on analyzing published evidence regarding an existing healthcare policy and developing an agenda to support or change the health policy.

Week 3 Discussion Question – How does U.S. government reimbursement policies for healthcare providers impact the use of telemedicine in your state?

Week 4:

The focus in week four will be on how nurse leaders promote system change within organizations, institutions and the government.

Week 4 Discussion Question – Discuss an example of how a nurse leader was successful in spearheading change within an organization, institution, or the government that impacted healthcare policy. What driving forces led to the nurse leader’s success? What obstacles were encountered and how were they addressed?


Students will create an Infographic on the topic of Telehealth. Students should create an infographic that is easily understood by the lay public or general population. The infographic should provide information useful to communicating the “What, Why, When and How” of Telehealth. Students may choose to focus on one or more the following suggested topic areas, however, students may choose their own relevant telehealth topic areas of:

  • Telehealth Versus Telemedicine
  • Environments or Systems
  • Population Health
  • Health Promotion and Illness Prevention
  • Integrative Health
  • Technologies and Innovation
  • Provider Access
  • Patient Access
  • Policy Implications
  • Legal Implications
  • Clinical Practice Issues
  • Education/Training Needs
  • Research Implications
  • Quality of Care
  • Outcome Management

Week 5:

Week five will center on building intellectual, social, political and other resources needed to promote a health policy agenda as well as implementing an action plan.

Week 5 Discussion Question – Describe a policy initiative implemented by nurse leaders from a national professional nursing association, the processes used by the organization in formulating and implementing a policy agenda and the current outcomes of the initiative.

Suggested organizations include (but are not limited to):

  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) American Nurses’ Association (A.N.A.)
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (A.A.N.P.)
  • American Association for Nursing Leadership (AONL), effective May 2019 (formerly AONE)
  • The American Association for Men in Nursing (AAMN)

Week 5 Activity – In Week 6, you will contact your state representative, Senator or State Assembly person in person or via email or letter supporting a policy initiative that you have reviewed and support or  from one of the nursing organizations with which you are aligned. Look ahead for additional details and expectations.

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