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March 13, 2023

The Pharmacist’s Refusal to Dispense

The Pharmacist’s Refusal to Dispense

Case Study 3-6

Case Studies in Pharmacy Ethics Third Edition by Robert Veatch, Amy Haddad and E.J. Last Oxford University Press 2017

Oral Contraceptives: The Pharmacist’s Refusal to Dispense

Phil Schwartz, Pharm.D., had always been a little uneasy about the distribution of standard birth control pills. But now that he had finished rabbinical study, he was certain that it was wrong to dispense oral contraceptives. Dr. Schwartz works in a chain pharmacy that sells oral contraceptives. He is sometimes the only pharmacist on duty. He had discussed his unwillingness to dispense oral contraceptives with the pharmacist-owner. Dr. Schwartz argued, “You must concede that most women who take the pills are not told about the possibility that the pills cause the women’s body to reject a fertilized egg. I refuse to distribute oral contraceptives. I believe I have the right to refuse to participate in a practice that I feel compromises my moral integrity and violates my understanding of rabbinical law.”

The pharmacist owner responded, “I respect your right, but what about the rights of the patients that come into this pharmacy expected to get a legally valid therapeutically sound prescription filled? The Code of Ethics states that ‘A pharmacist places the well-being of the patient at the center of professional practice. Therefore, I believe that patients have the right to have access to appropriately prescribed medications regardless of your personal beliefs. Furthermore, you may have the law to contend with as well since the state is considering a law requiring pharmacists to fill all prescriptions.”

What should Dr. Schwartz do when he is the only pharmacists on duty?

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