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March 21, 2023

Using Algorithms to Recruit

Using Algorithms to Recruit

Order Instruction:

Week #5: Hiring with Algorithms

Use the 2 articles and 2 Youtube videos to read first and answer discussion post questions.

Article 1: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/talent-acquisition/pages/algorithms-changing-recruiters-role.aspx

Article 2: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2018/06/27/how-can-we-eliminate-bias-in-our-algorithms/#8c3b7a6337eb

YouTube 1(4 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAjUUdOKbjQ&feature=youtu.be

YouTube 2 (2 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNkpZTt_7JY&feature=youtu.be


  1. How do companies use algorithms to recruit?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages to using algorithms to recruit?
  3. How can companies overcome inherent bias in algorithms when recruiting?

  1. How do companies use algorithms to recruit?

Algorithms are artificial intelligence (AI) which evaluates the probability that one person fits better hire than the other.  Company hirers collect resumes, application letters, and cover letters from job applicants and feed such information to the computer algorithm. The algorithm then uses the data to assess the right candidate by comparing it. The recruiters use the technology to inquire the right skills to look in a candidate’s job application and decide the right candidate by eliminating the disqualified ones from the search.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using algorithms to recruit?

The use of algorithms entails various advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits is that it enables the companies to gain deeper details and understanding of the kind of candidates to recruit. It also facilitates faster response whereby the candidates can be engaged through emails. The disadvantages include data inaccuracy. The difficulty in handling past data which is already programmed initiates data inaccuracy. Another disadvantage is that it leads to bias in the recruiting process. Data carries different kinds of detrimental human personalities which can lead to bias such as racism. Algorithm errors are also possible because computers make mistakes which may lead to hiring the wrong candidate.

  1. How can companies overcome inherent bias in algorithms when recruiting?

While employers increasingly use algorithms to hire new staff, the systems display biases which should be overcome. One of the ways to overcome bias by assessing the recruiting process before engaging the algorithm solution. The companies should also assess and manage the algorithm tool frequently to measure its effectiveness. Companies should also use the algorithm tool to enhance their recruiting strategies and not using it to attempt the whole process of selection. This means that companies should not fully rely on this technology but rather use it to enhance the human aspects of the recruiting process.

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