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March 22, 2023

Importance of Reading Literature

Importance of Reading Literature

Please answer each question with at least 200 words, citation and reference.

  1. Doctoral learners commonly exert intense effort in choosing a topic; it simply requires a significant amount of time and focused effort reading literature from one or more fields of study. Looking back at the readings presented in this course and reflecting on the ideas presented there including the three new dissertation concepts introduced: Need for Study, Significance, and Theoretical Framework, how does reading literature and in particular reading a literature review section contribute to formulating a clearer understanding of these three concepts? Explain.
  2. During RES-815 and RES-820, you have read and annotated 15 articles that could become part of your dissertation’s literature review. As you move forward into your content-specific courses, how do you intend to independently expand your list of resources in preparation for defending your topic selection at your first residency? How will this work eventually develop into your research proposal? What is your plan to use the upcoming courses to continue to develop your literature review? Explain.

The Need for Study is an essential component of a dissertation, and it refers to the rationale for conducting the research. It is crucial to identify the gaps in existing literature to justify the need for further research. Reading literature can help doctoral learners to identify the gaps in existing research and provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem they intend to investigate. A literature review section provides an overview of the existing literature on a topic and enables doctoral learners to identify the research gaps and formulate research questions that can address these gaps.

The Significance concept refers to the importance of the research to the field of study. It is crucial to establish the significance of the research to justify the need for conducting the study. Reading literature can help doctoral learners understand the current state of knowledge on a particular topic, identify the research gaps, and highlight the potential contribution of the proposed research to the field of study.

The Theoretical Framework is the foundation of a dissertation, and it provides a conceptual framework for the research. Reading literature can help doctoral learners to identify the existing theories and models that can be applied to their research problem. A literature review section can provide a comprehensive understanding of the existing theories and models and help doctoral learners to identify the gaps that can be addressed by their research.

Generally, reading literature, and in particular, a literature review section, contributes significantly to formulating a clearer understanding of the three new dissertation concepts introduced in this course: Need for Study, Significance, and Theoretical Framework. It enables doctoral learners to identify the research gaps, formulate research questions, and justify the importance of their research to the field of study.


Boote, D. N., & Beile, P. (2005). Scholars before researchers: On the centrality of the dissertation literature review in research preparation. Educational researcher, 34(6), 3-15.

  1. As a doctoral learner, it is essential to have a plan for independently expanding the list of resources for the literature review section of the dissertation. In preparation for defending the topic selection, it is crucial to have a comprehensive and up-to-date list of resources that will support the research. There are several ways to expand the list of resources, including conducting a systematic review, using academic databases, attending conferences, and networking with experts in the field.

Conducting a systematic review is a rigorous and comprehensive approach to identify and analyze relevant literature on a particular topic. This approach involves a systematic search of academic databases, screening of articles based on predefined criteria, and analysis of the selected articles. Using academic databases such as ProQuest, JSTOR, and Google Scholar can help doctoral learners to identify relevant literature on their topic of interest.

Attending conferences and networking with experts in the field can also provide opportunities to expand the list of resources. Conferences provide a platform for researchers to present their work and discuss emerging trends in the field. Networking with experts in the field can provide access to unpublished research, ongoing projects, and collaborations that can enhance the research.

As doctoral learners progress to content-specific courses, they can continue to develop the literature review section by identifying gaps in existing literature, critically analyzing the selected articles, and synthesizing the findings. The content-specific courses can provide opportunities to deepen the understanding of the topic, identify relevant literature, and develop critical thinking skills necessary for the literature review section.

Generally, expanding the list of resources for the literature review section of the dissertation is essential for doctoral learners. It can be achieved through conducting a systematic review, using academic databases, attending conferences, and networking with experts in the field. The upcoming courses can provide

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