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March 22, 2023

Eastern systems and Aristotle’s Virtue Theory

Eastern systems and Aristotle’s Virtue Theory

Do some research on one of the Eastern systems and then compare it to either Aristotle’s virtue theory or Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory in terms of which seems more reasonable. Which seems more coherent and able to be followed and which might help a person formulate a plan that would produce more morally acceptable behavior.

One of the Eastern systems to research and compare with Aristotle’s virtue theory or Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory is Confucianism.

Confucianism is a philosophical and ethical system that originated in China during the 5th century BCE. The teachings of Confucianism revolve around the importance of moral character, virtue, and ethics. Confucianism emphasizes the cultivation of virtues like filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, and wisdom, which are necessary for living a morally upright life.

Aristotle’s virtue theory, on the other hand, is a normative ethical theory that emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtues as a means to achieve happiness or eudaimonia. Aristotle argues that virtues are habits that must be practiced consistently to become second nature. He also believes that virtues must be practiced in moderation and not in excess or deficiency.

Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory, meanwhile, is a teleological ethical theory that emphasizes the importance of following natural law, which is derived from human nature and God’s will. According to Aquinas, natural law can be discovered through reason and is essential for living a morally upright life.

When comparing Confucianism to Aristotle’s virtue theory, both systems share similarities in their emphasis on the cultivation of virtues as essential for living a moral life. However, Confucianism places greater emphasis on the cultivation of moral character and ethics.

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