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March 22, 2023

 Policies to Address Gun Violence

 Policies to Address Gun Violence

Last summer, the spotlight was focused on police violence.  According the US Department of Justice, 1,021 people were killed by police in 2020.  This number has been relatively steady over the years with approximately 1000 Americans per year killed by police officers.  Of those killed, 48% were white, 24% were black, 12% were Latino, and 11% were classified as other.  Keep in mind that according to census data, Whites make up 59% of the population, Blacks 14%, Latino’s 12%, and 15% other.  Thus, there are more White Americans killed by police than any other race, but Blacks and Latino’s are killed at a disproportionately high number compared to their percentage of the population.

Also in 2020, there were more police officers shot in the line of duty than people killed by police.  There were 1,467 police shot in the line of duty in 2020 according to the US Department of Justice.  Also the number of “ambush style” attacks has more than doubled this year.  Some of these instances have occurred right here in Central Florida.

What may be more startling is the number of Americans killed by gun violence in America.  In 2020, there were approximately 20,000 people killed by gun violence.  Yes, 20,000 and the number is trending up in 2021. This past 4th of July weekend marked one of the most violent in the US.  In the city of Chicago alone there were 100 people shot and 18 people were killed.  Obviously gun violence is a huge concern for everyone, everywhere.

According to the FBI, Americans are killed disproportionately by race.  Of the 2020 homicides, blacks were disproportionately killed.  Blacks make up only 14% of the population, but more than a majority of those killed in 2020.  According to the CDC, Black men and boys ages 15-34 make up only 2% of the US population but 37% of gun homicides.

Do any of the statistics above surprise/shock you?  What can be done about this crisis in America?  Think about the statistics above and consider the problems and potential solutions.  What can/should be done to prevent the large number of Americans who are being killed every year?  Can you think of any Domestic Policies that can address the situation?

The statistics presented highlight a concerning issue in the United States, particularly in regards to the disproportionate number of homicides affecting the Black community.

There are various potential solutions that could address this issue. One approach could be to implement policies that focus on reducing systemic racism and inequality in the criminal justice system, including reforms to policing practices and sentencing guidelines. Additionally, policies could focus on reducing gun violence, such as expanding background checks and implementing red flag laws.

Other potential solutions could include investments in education and job training programs, as well as initiatives to address poverty and social inequality, which are often linked to higher rates of violence.

It is important to note that addressing this issue will likely require a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration across various sectors, including government, law enforcement, community organizations, and advocacy groups.

Some potential domestic policies that could be implemented to address the issue of disproportionate homicides affecting the Black community include:

  1. Police Reform: The implementation of police reform policies that aim to reduce police brutality, racial profiling, and use of excessive force. This could include de-escalation training, implicit bias training, and the establishment of civilian review boards.
  2. Sentencing Reform: Reforms that aim to reduce disparities in sentencing for Black Americans, who are often subjected to harsher sentences for the same crimes as their white counterparts. This could include the elimination of mandatory minimum sentencing and the reduction of sentences for non-violent drug offenses.
  3. Gun Control: The implementation of stronger gun control laws that aim to reduce the number of guns in circulation and limit access to firearms for those who pose a risk to themselves or others. This could include universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods, and the implementation of red flag laws.
  4. Investment in Communities: The implementation of policies that aim to reduce poverty and inequality in Black communities. This could include investment in education, job training, and affordable housing initiatives.
  5. Community Policing: The implementation of community policing initiatives that aim to build trust and collaboration between law enforcement and the communities they serve.


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