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April 14, 2023

Population Growth Rate of Nigeria and US

Population Growth Rate of Nigeria and US

Nigeria and United States Compare the annual population growth rate of both countries. What factors do you think are contributing to the differences observed between the two countries? Compare the compo

Nigeria and the United States

  • Compare the annual population growth rate of both countries. What factors do you think are contributing to the differences observed between the two countries?
  • Compare the composition of the population of both countries. What does it suggest about each country?
  • Compare the dependency ratio of both countries. What does it suggest about each country?
  • Compare the mortality rates of both countries. Which age groups do you think are the most affected in each country? Is there a gender difference in mortality rates? Why or why not? In your opinion, what are the factors that might contribute to the differences in mortality rates of both countries?
  • Which age group is benefiting the most from healthcare interventions in each country?
  • What does the life expectancy at birth and at sixty years tell you about each country?
  • If you were a public health official looking at these data for the first time, what questions and assumptions might come up that you would want to further investigate?
Population Growth Rate:

The annual population growth rate of Nigeria is around 2.6%, while that of the United States is around 0.5%. One of the main factors contributing to the difference in population growth rates is the difference in fertility rates between the two countries. Nigeria has a higher fertility rate than the United States, with an average of 5.3 children per woman compared to 1.7 children per woman in the United States. Additionally, Nigeria has a younger population, with a larger proportion of people in their reproductive years.

Population Composition:

Nigeria has a more diverse population than the United States, with over 500 ethnic groups and multiple religions represented. The population of the United States is more homogeneous, with the majority of people identifying as White or African American. This suggests that Nigeria may have more cultural and linguistic diversity than the United States.

Dependency Ratio:

The dependency ratio, which is the ratio of dependents (children and elderly) to working-age adults, is higher in Nigeria than in the United States. This suggests that Nigeria may have a higher burden of caring for dependents and may face greater economic challenges in providing for its aging population.

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