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April 14, 2023

Ronstadt Limited’s Cash Budget

Ronstadt Limited’s Cash Budget

Ronstadt Limited’s budget for the four months from January to April includes the following data: 1. Month Sales Materials Wages Overheads $00 $000 $000 $00 January 615 115.0 30 360 February 636 120.0 33 390 March 690 135.0 36 420 April 684 130.0 40 425 2. One-third of sales revenue is received one month after sale and the remainder is received two months after sale. The sales in the previous two months were: November $600 000; December $540 000. 3. One-quarter of purchases of materials are paid for in the month of purchase. The remainder are paid for two months later. Purchases in the previous two months were: November $108 000; December $106 000. 4. Two-thirds of the wages are paid in the month in which they are earned, and the balance is paid in the following month.

The wages for the previous December amounted to $30 000. 5. One-half of the overhead expenditure is paid in the month in which it is incurred, and the balance is paid in the following month. The overheads for the previous December were $380 000. 6. Old machinery will be sold for $4000 in April. New machinery will be purchased in March for $90 000 but only one-half of the price will be paid in that month. The balance will be paid in August. 7. Ronstadt Limited has an overdraft of $63 000 at the bank at 31 December.


Prepare Ronstadt Limited’s cash budget for each of the four months from January to April.

Firstly, we calculate the cash receipts and cash payments for each month based on the given information. The cash budget for each month is calculated as below:


Cash receipts

  • One-third of November sales: $200,000 (received in January)
  • One-third of December sales: $180,000 (received in January)
  • Cash sales: $615,000/3 = $205,000 (received in January) Total cash receipts: $585,000

Cash payments

  • Materials: $115,000 x 1/4 = $28,750 (paid in January)
  • Wages: $30,000 x 2/3 = $20,000 (paid in January)
  • Overheads: $380,000 x 1/2 = $190,000 (paid in January)
  • Bank overdraft: $63,000 Total cash payments: $301,750

Net cash flow: $585,000 – $301,750 = $283,250


Cash receipts

  • One-third of December sales: $180,000 (received in February)
  • One-third of January sales: $205,000 (received in February)
  • Cash sales: $636,000/3 = $212,000 (received in February) Total cash receipts: $597,000

Cash payments

  • Materials: ($115,000 x 3/4) + $120,000 x 1/4 = $118,750 (paid in February)
  • Wages: $30,000 x 1/3 + $33,000 x 2/3 = $31,000 (paid in February)
  • Overheads: $380,000 x 1/2 + $36,000 x 1/2 = $208,000 (paid in February)
  • Bank overdraft: $63,000 Total cash payments: $420,750

Net cash flow: $597,000 – $420,750 = $176,250

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