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April 18, 2023

Role of Governing Board in Healthcare

Role of Governing Board in Healthcare 

  1. Describe the role of the governing board in a healthcare facility. Include the relationship of the board to the medical staff and to the chief executive officer (administrator). Does this structure appear to be an effective one?
  2. What is the purpose of medical staff bylaws? Is a hospital required to have bylaws and, if so, who requires it?
  3. Discuss the governance structure of the medical staff, including the committees that typically govern a medical staff.
  4. What is meant by “medical staff credentialing” and why is it done?
  5. Discuss the process for joining a medical staff. What must occur for an organization to ensure they are admitting a qualified individual to their staff?
  6. Once someone is admitted to a medical staff, what duties and/or rights does this person have?\If disciplinary actions must be taken against a medical staff member, how does the legal concept of due process come into play?

The governing board of a healthcare facility is responsible for providing oversight and strategic direction for the organization. The board typically includes community leaders, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders. The board’s role is to ensure that the organization is providing high-quality care in a cost-effective manner while maintaining compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The board works closely with the medical staff and the chief executive officer (CEO) to establish policies and procedures, allocate resources, and set goals for the organization. The medical staff typically provides input on clinical issues, while the CEO is responsible for day-to-day operations. The board also has the authority to hire and fire the CEO. This structure appears to be effective as it provides a system of checks and balances between different groups with different expertise and perspectives.

Medical staff bylaws are a set of rules and regulations that govern the organization and operation of the medical staff in a healthcare facility. Bylaws outline the qualifications for membership, the roles and responsibilities of members, and the process for admitting and disciplining members. Hospitals are required to have bylaws by accrediting organizations such as the Joint Commission.


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