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April 19, 2023

RN Patient Intervention and Advocacy

RN Patient Intervention and Advocacy

Choose a patient-care situation in which the RN should intervene and advocate for the patient.  An example of such a situation might be when a patient has not been given complete informed consent.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Describe the clinical situation concisely and descriptively. It can be an actual situation or a hypothetical one.
  • Apply the Bioethical Decision Making Model to the specific clinical ethical situation that you choose. Address each section of the model in your paper.
  • Conclude with a discussion of nursing advocacy in the clinical setting and the nurse’s role as a patient advocate.

Clinical Situation:

Mrs. Smith, a 65-year-old female, was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia. She has a history of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Mrs. Smith’s physician recommended surgery to remove a portion of her lung to treat her pneumonia. However, the physician did not fully inform Mrs. Smith of the risks and benefits of the surgery or provide her with other treatment options.

Applying the Bioethical Decision Making Model:

Step 1: Identify the problem:

The problem in this situation is that Mrs. Smith did not receive complete informed consent regarding her treatment options.

Step 2: Gather Information:

The nurse should gather information about Mrs. Smith’s medical history, her current condition, and the proposed treatment plan. The nurse should also review the informed consent process and determine what information was provided to Mrs. Smith.

Step 3: Identify Ethical Principles:

The ethical principles involved in this situation include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Mrs. Smith has the right to be informed and make decisions about her own healthcare. The physician has a duty to act in the patient’s best interest, avoiding harm while providing the greatest benefit. The nurse has a duty to ensure that the patient’s rights are protected and that the patient is fully informed about her treatment options.

Step 4: Generate Options:

The nurse could discuss the situation with the physician and advocate for Mrs. Smith to receive complete informed consent. The nurse could also inform Mrs. Smith of her rights and provide her with resources to obtain further information about her treatment options.

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