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June 20, 2023

Importance of Brain Wellness

Importance of Brain Wellness

Brain Fitness Brochure: You will pick a target population (like specific stroke population, add young adult, brain injury-youth sports, dementia, etc)


Think about the last time you were in the doctor’s office. Many times, you sit in the waiting room and read educational brochures. For this task, you will return to the web site, www.sharpbrains.com and use this information to create an educational brochure on brain fitness. To complete this assignment, you will need to talk to a professional about the importance of brain wellness.  This can be a wide variety of professionals: a coach who has training on head injury, a medical doctor, nurse, an emergency professional, a counselor or psychologist with neuroscience training,  an instructor here at Regis, or a spiritual leader. You will be asked to share the contents of the interview in yellowing and then finish your brochure with 2 page explanation. This should take 5-10 minutes to ask questions in your interview.  You will want to have this person provide 1-2 key brain wellness strategies in life and explain why.

Description yellowing

Most Microsoft Word software programs will create this format of a brochure. Most students just create one in power point. Include the following:

  • Definitions of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.  Make sure to give a simplified definition of synaptic legacy in the brochure.
  • Organize your information into the domains of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual strategies. List efficacious interventions for this population. give rationale why those strategies work (references can be on separate page and not necessarily the brochure)
  • Be practical with your strategies.
  • Include habits that hurt the brain as well.
  • Consider that there is no magic pill or magic surgery for brain fitness.  Give reader a rationale why to use these interventions

Pick at least 3 sources outside your text

Along with the brochure, you will hand in 2 pages APA explaining in paragraph form your target audience and the rationale for the brochure after your interview.

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