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April 4, 2022

Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers to Effective Communication

This assessment task requires you to:
Identify 3 potential barriers to effective communication you have noted in your journal.
Discuss how communication skills can be used to overcome each of these barriers.
Seek feedback from someone you interact with regularly concerning the barriers and
communication skills you have identified above, in terms of your own communication
style. Write about the feedback you received and how you can use this to enhance your
own communication skills relevant to your area of study or future profession.
The paper must be typed on a word processor; contain an introduction that outlines the logical
structure of your paper and a conclusion that critically reflects on the implications of your paper.

Assessment criteria
The essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Understanding of barriers to effective communication (30%)
Analysis of communication skills required to overcome these barriers (30%)
Ability to integrate feedback into a reflection on personal communication skills (20%)
Clarity of expression and adherence to essay writing standard (flow, logic, punctuation,
grammar and spelling (10%)

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