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April 13, 2022

Demographics and Technology in Organizations

Demographics and Technology in Organizations

Assignment Content

Written assignment mirrors our class discussion of the week. In addressing demographics, show analysis of internal demographics of an organization if external (customer) demographics aren’t readily available. For technology, be specific.

Use your selected company from Weeks 1-4 for this week’s assessment.

An organization’s demographics are an important factor to consider for its business strategies. Review the demographic and technological information about your company to complete the activity below. If the information is not public, base your decisions on a similar company and research.

This information will assist you with the Wk 6 assignment.

Create a 350- to 450- word outline that conveys the information in the following format:

  • Demographics
  • What are the current demographics? (g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc)
  • What was a recent change?
  • How did the company handle it?
  • Was the change handled ethically? If not, how should they have handled it? If it was, what stands out as something to emulate in your future business endeavors?
  • Technology
  • How does the company utilize technology in day-to-day business?
  • What types of technology are used?
  • How does a change of technology affect the organization?

Cite all sources.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Utilize the Center for Writing Excellence and the Reference and Citation Generator for assistance with APA style formatting.

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