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April 13, 2022

Physician Collaboration for Nurse Practitioners

Physician Collaboration for Nurse Practitioners

Identify whether your state requires physician collaboration or supervision for nurse practitioners and, if so, what those requirements are.

Research the following:

  • How do you get certified and licensed in your state?
  • What is the application process for certification in your state?
  • What is the primary nurse licensure office resource website in your state?
  • How does your state define the scope of practice of a nurse practitioner?
  • What is included in your state’s practice agreement?
  • How do you get a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license?
  • How does your state describe a nurse practitioner’s controlled-substance prescriptive authority and what nurse practitioner drug schedules are nurse practitioners authorized to prescribe?

In what legislative and advocacy activities are your state nurse practitioner organization(s) involved?

Post a summary of your findings on your state based on the questions listed above. Explain the types of regulations that exist and the barriers that may impact nurse practitioner independent practice in your state. Be specific. Also, describe what surprised you from your research.

  • Review the modular structure of this course and reflect on how each module defines the specific skills needed as an advanced Nurse Practitioner (NP).
  • Review the ANA guidelines, NP competencies, and the Ethic resources found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider how they impact the work of the NP.

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