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May 10, 2022

Computer Science Questions

Computer Science Questions

Questions first part:

1.Think about how you would feel if there were no rules regarding how your credit card information was stored on merchants’ websites. Consider whether you would purchase items online. Would the Internet be as big as it is today if we had no laws or information security policies regarding data that makes up an e-commerce transaction? Provide rationale for your answer.

2. Imagine that you work for an organization that has no Internet use policy. Employees use the Internet in whatever way they want using company-owned personal computers. Could this cause a problem for the organization? Why or why not?

Questions Second part:

3. What is an advantage of organizing IT security policies by domain?

4. What is a disadvantage of organizing IT security policies by domain?

5. Do you think one domain is more challenging than the others as far as applying security policies? Explain your answer.

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