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May 10, 2022

Process in Mobile Application

Process in Mobile Application

Discuss following topic. Minimum 250 words.

Think about the last time you utilized a mobile application or attempted to build your own mobile website.  What planning process did you go through before you began your project?  You may have considered the steps or tasks you needed to perform.  You may also have considered the resources and platforms needed for your outcome.  For example, which model fits your business domain needs?  Do you have time constraints that will make completing the web application/site difficult within a reasonable period of time?  You may also have considered the myths that surround developing mobile apps and the difficulties generally associated with mobile app development.

  • How does design & utility make a difference between good vs great websites? Explain
  • How is deciding between a mobile application vs a mobile website an important consideration by developers? Explain.
  • Why are push notifications the preferred method of communication over instant messaging among young people?

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