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November 20, 2023

A Dual Perspective in Anthropology

A Dual Perspective in Anthropology

Define evolution using the course materials.

Evolution refers to the process in which the various kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier stages during the history of the earth. According to Charles Darwin, evolution is the development of organisms from the past organisms. It can also refer to the constant advancement and change of organisms which allows the species to enhance and improve the original and ancestral status to enable them to acquire better survival means on the new and the current environment.
Define physical anthropology. Discuss some of the general ways physical anthropologists investigate evolution.
Physical anthropology is a scientific study which deals with the behavioural and the biological characteristics of the human beings and their extinct ancestors. This includes the present humans, the past and even the future ones. It focuses on the evolution of humans, their adaptations to the environmental changes and their variability.

The anthropologists investigate evolution by making observations and describing a problem in order to explore it and come up with an observation or conclusion. This may involve examination of the DNA from the modern human beings, the non-human primates, and the ancestors in order to investigate the origin and the relationship (Fedorak, 2017). Fossil bones or the extinct organisms and teeth are also studied to evaluate the relatedness of the species and how they fit into the human family tree. Another method used is by examining the physical status of individuals which include the muscles, the bones and the body organs and how they function in order to help in reproduction and survival in the environment. This helps them to evaluate and understand the features which make each of the group different and how they relate to each other. They thoroughly examine how an individual lived and survived in the past.
Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which physical anthropologists are studying evolution (e.g. the Human Genome Project). Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution. Conduct original research, do not use the genome project because that example is given in class. Review this screencast or script to help you learn to locate appropriate college-level sources using the Summon search tool in our Library.

Proteomics project is a project which the anthropologists use to study evolution. Proteomics is the analysis of the complete set of proteomes or proteins. It focuses on the selection of proteins encrypted by the genome in a given tissue, cell or an organism. The collaboration of the proteins created by the genetic factors of a certain organism or tissue helps the researchers to establish the information in the databases (Nicolas, & Harvey 2015). The study helps the anthropologists in further understanding of the structure of proteins, their functions, and their behaviour in responding to various diseases and use it to understand their importance in studying the evolution. The understanding of the way the proteins vary, their abundances and alteration together with their relating networks and partners helps to understand their cellular processes which guide in the formulation of certain ideas about the evolution.

Choose and define a second subfield of anthropology (cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, or archaeology).

Cultural anthropology is a subfield of anthropology which studies the human cultural variations and societies and how they develop. It observes a human as an individual, a producer of culture and history and a product of the society. It is simply the knowledge used by people to lead their lives and the ways in which they do so. It is also a system of manners or behaviours including the social and religious beliefs and the social engagements (Nicolas, & Harvey 2015).

Discuss some of the general ways an anthropologist in this second subfield investigates evolution. *Remember, evolution can apply to both physical and societal changes, so things like language and customs can evolve just as much as bodies and brains can.

The cultural anthropologists concentrate on studying the human beliefs, the cognitive organization of human groups, environmental and biological aspects of life in the present and the past. They study how people who have a common belief, and cultural norms shape and organize the social and the physical world surrounding them and become fashioned by such behaviours, physical backgrounds, and the ideas. Cultural anthropologists study the way people participate within a community, how they practice their living, and gain a profound understanding of the cultural behaviour through the first-hand participation and daily life experience (Fedorak, 2017). In observing the people’s participation, they focus on surveys, talking to people or some kind of interview techniques and other various methods in exploring the cultural domains and knowledge. The researchers live with the people they are studying and share their daily experiences with them for some years.
Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which anthropologists in this second subfield are studying evolution. Describe the research project and its significance in our understanding of evolution. For example, an archaeologist may look at how tools have changed through time, and what has caused that change (conduct your own original research, do not use this example).

Human beings have many differences in terms of beliefs and cultural norms. However, this does not mean that they strictly live separately from each other. They relate and have to associate with each other through various means like business associations. A cultural anthropologist may study how humans change and adapt to various norms and practices. The humans have developed certain adaptive mechanisms to the existing or evolving beliefs and cultures over the years which enables them to feel fit and comfortable in the society they are living in. This involves understanding how the various beliefs and customs relate and differ from each other and how the people can associate with each other despite these differences. This enables the researchers to study the evolution of humans.

Discuss how the study of evolution between physical anthropology and your chosen subfield compares and contrasts.

The cultural anthropology features the human social norms and cultural behaviours and its varied systems while the physical anthropology studies the human through their bodies which involve featuring the skeletal remains of people who existed over thousand years ago, to assess whether they were male or female, what diseases they had, their age and the genetic vulnerability to agonies and much more. Cultural anthropology studies the human present culture while physical anthropology studies the human from an evolutionary point of view and also includes the study of the other human-like creatures also known as the primates.  The physical anthropology focus in understanding the mechanisms of the genetic inheritance and evolution as well as the human adaptations to various environmental pressures such as temperature extremes and the high altitude areas. On the other hand, cultural anthropology focus in things like the political and social societies, the kinship patterns and marriage systems, economic practices and various religious beliefs for different societies. The two studies are similar in some ways such as; the researchers in both fields use the scientific methods in studying the evolution which helps them to create some evolutionary theories relating to a certain area of interest (Fedorak, 2017). They both rely on observation, artifacts and field work to come up with a certain conclusion.
Conclude by discussing and reflecting on one new piece of information you learned about evolution.

The evolution is a large but very important field of study. This is because, in studying the past human life and considering the various environmental, cultural, and biological changes at various times enables the researchers to identify the best means to survive in the current human life. Proteomics, for example, is vital in identifying the nature and structure of the proteins, their variations, and roles in the body. The scientists use the knowledge to come up with some ways in which the human bodies can respond to changes in the environment of certain diseases in relation to the proteins. This helps them to develop better survival mechanisms and adaptive measures by the humans. Therefore, the present human beings possess better response means to extreme temperatures and diseases than the ancient people.


Fedorak, S. (2017). Anthropology matters. Bottom of FormPress.

Nicolas, L. T., & Harvey, M. (2015). Sub-cellular Proteomics. Frontiers Media SA. Press.

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