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August 23, 2023

A Macro Perspective in Marketing

A Macro Perspective in Marketing

Some companies have built a business model on social responsibility. Some see “social responsibility” as a need component for marketing in the future. Specifically, knowing what you now know about consumer-buying behavior, is “socially responsible” a determinant for future success, or just a trend? State the opposing arguments to social responsibility being a determinant for marketing success or a trend; compare and contrast these arguments in terms of benefits and detrimental effects on individuals, businesses, and the societies or nations in which they function. Finally, evaluate the arguments, supporting your stance for one argument over the other.

Macro-marketing high focuses on the customers instead of the people, intending to determine the strategies to implement to ensure the firm reaches and attains mass marketing. However, effectively reaching the mass market necessitates the company to be more focused on concepts beyond the size of smaller-scale marketing. The marketers have recognized the requirement for a highly holistic and definite methodology that surpasses the promoting scheme’s conventional application. The entire component is perceived as significant, from the general client behavior to the cooperation within the firm, the internal and external resources, and the social responsibility.

Opposing argument

Individual view

Marketing mainly comprehends the individual behavior and the implemented strategies used to meet various people’s needs. Further, technological advancement guarantees that people are not required to invest huge funds and time in searching for optimal quality or the products that can provide the best satisfaction. Besides, the marketing, aligned with micro-marketing, offers the clients all the information they require regarding a product or service plus the competitive prices attached to such products or services. Therefore, social responsibility is perceived as a mere focus on ethics and society, eliminating the individual’s perception out of context. Further, corporate social responsibility is considered a norm for well-established companies and has no impact on the individual purchasing decision-making process though marketing does. In several situations, the information researched by a person could be overwhelming with numerous options, thus, impacting their purchasing decision. According to Taylor, 2019), the younger generation that enjoys the internet feels motivated by social well-being; hence most of them can take a pay cut to work for a socially responsible firm.

Business view

Well-designed and implemented marketing strategy can act as the primary parameter for the business developers and owners to boost the corporate’s brand image and awareness to increase the client base. Hence offering first and affirmative advertising ideas is considered decisive in attaining client awareness concerning the organizational operations. Further adopting the social responsibility policy and plans constitute extreme expenses for small companies. Also, building effective long-term development entails cost, various commitments, and time, though applying the internet is seen as a powerful channel for individuals and small businesses. However, firms demonstrating their civic responsibility, enhanced workforce benefits, environmental protection, and community assistance would be preferred organizations in the long term (Sanclemente-Téllez, 2017). The implication is that the social responsibility is more focused on the firm’s influence on the community and environment. with the adoption of decisive macro-marketing, companies can promote their products and services to diverse target clients by researching client buying behavior and applying socially responsible practices that are attractive to the customer while strictly following the market enacted regulation laws.

Society view

Presently, companies are expected to partake in social responsibility aside from their profit-oriented function. CSR strategies are about giving back to the community and being socially and environmentally responsible, although in determining requirements, interests, and preferences to ensure that the firm remains knowledgeable on how to promptly improve society’s prolonged well-being. Further, as highlighted earlier, marketing offers a first thought of the business; thus, CSR strategies are used to boost the business after marketing is aligned to its operations and marketing approaches (Wali, Christian, & Adanne, 2015). However, the challenge resulting from marking for businesses and individuals can sometimes lead to a loss for the community, as in the community being affected by unsteady information and plausible fiscal and economic losses.

In summary, the advantages of marketing with the implementation of correct methodology outweighs corporate social responsibility. CSR is a trend for huge companies that does not often translate to client loyalty to a particular brand. Also, marketing creates plentiful solutions for society and individuals to select from, the competitive product prices for the people. It can enhance the firm’s loyalty with a robust client base. The benefits offered for the people, corporates, and community by marketing are considered the source of economic development in and outside the firm’s country of origin. Therefore, this further proves that corporate social responsibility is a mere trend in the current business though marking is an ideal approach for future development.


Sanclemente-Téllez, J. C. (2017). Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Moving between broadening the concept of marketing and social factors as a marketing strategy. Spanish journal of marketing-ESIC21, 4-25.

Taylor, C. (2019). What Makes A CSR Message Resonate with Millennials and Generation-Z. Forbes.

Wali, A. F., Christian, A. H., & Adanne, A. (2015). Corporate social responsibility practices and marketing performance: a comparative study. IOSR Journal of Business.


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