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April 13, 2022

Ad Campaign for Personal Brand

Ad Campaign for Personal Brand

To complete this project on ad campaign to sell YOUR personal brand, students will develop and execute an ad campaign to sell YOUR personal brand. Present/ record your ad in any audio/video format, and upload as a YouTube video. The more creative and professional the better. Your video should be 2 minutes or less.

You are submitting a two-minute video to me to apply for a job at my company. The job is inconsequential; apply based on what you do now – sales,

You’re going to use any 3 (your choice) of the different concepts that we have studied each week in the discussion boards as the points on selling yourself to me. In other words you are the product or service that you are trying to sell, utilizing 3 of the concepts we have discussed this semester.

  • Social and Digital Marketing strategies
  • Segmentation and Targeting
  • Financial analysis

Please pay attention to the requirement for marketing points. Telling me that you build marketing strategies (not specific), use servant leadership (a management principle) or build teams (again, management) does not answer the requirements for marketing. Stick to the items we have studied in this course.
A good video will have an introduction, the 3 points, and a summary or conclusion.


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