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October 27, 2022

 Advocacy in Nursing

 Advocacy in Nursing

Part 1:  Advocacy is an important skill that might be required when dealing with vulnerable people. Using ONE of the three scenarios on the link below:

Write a 1000 – 1500 word essay, using literature and theory to support the writing, to demonstrate understanding of advocacy and the communication strategies used within one of the three scenarios on the NMC safeguarding film that can be accessed from the link below. The communication strategies identified could be either positive or negative and you also need to discuss the importance of being aware of the potential need for advocacy within relationships in health care.

Part 2: Using examples from your own experience and using literature and theory to support your writing, write a 1000 – 1500 word essay to demonstrate your understanding of what factors may impact on an individual’s health and relate these to health promotion activities.


The report will mainly center on the first scenario on the Nursing and Midwifery Council safeguarding organizations. The scenario essentially entails the old man who consistently requests his glasses. The two care facility employees are engrossed in their conversation. After the senior staff inquiries about their well-being, they swiftly respond that everything is going well and is aligned with the normal operations of the nursing facility. Nevertheless, for the old man, Joseph, everything is far from ordinary because he has constantly asked for his glasses but in vain (Lightshopfilms, 2017). Joseph is further taken to the dining hall and given his favorite food; however, he cannot eat due to the lack of glasses. The food is taken, making Joseph regret the condition that makes him dependable on other individuals. Thus, he perceives himself as a burden to the care employees, which he does not want to be. The case illustrates the significance of advocacy within healthcare facilities. Therefore, the paper will begin with the definition of advocacy, identify the communication strategies perceived within the case, and demonstrate the significance of being aware of the potential requirement for advocacy in relationships in healthcare.

Define the concept of advocacy

In healthcare, advocacy is primarily the activities that guarantee access to healthcare, address the health issues, establish the system of transformation, impact the health policy, navigate the system, and mobilize medical resources (Abbasinia et al., 2020). Further, the healthcare advocates ensure that the right of the vulnerable and disadvantaged people are maintained in the healthcare facilities. Hence, the medical advocates have numerous ultimate objectives, which include ensuring that the experiences, perspectives, and the voices of the patients are heard, deemed, and treated with utmost courtesy, respect, and dignity. Moreover, the medical advocates guarantee that the patients receive equal and fair treatment that enhances their satisfaction as their necessities are addressed appropriately (Hanks et al., 2018). Finally, they ensure that the clients know their rights and are capable of making the ultimate decisions.

Communication strategies in the scenario

From the case, there is explicit evidence of poor neglect and practices and how it adversely impacts the mental and physical health of the patients. Effective communication is considered a two-way strategy, and active listening is essential. The facilities that have implemented effective and robust communication policies and strategies can effectively enhance clients’ medical care and safety (Burgener, 2020). Nevertheless, throughout the case, the care employees did not listen to or even engage Joseph in their communication; instead, they were conversing about other issues and completely ignoring Joseph’s pleas, which shows poor communication approaches in the healthcare setting (Lightshopfilms, 2017). Prompt communication is essential in creating patients’ and care providers’ relationships; hence, the care professional should always be attentive to the clients, respond to any requests, and provide health and social support. Therefore, the failure to respond to Joseph’s requests could have amounted to a lack of dignity and respect for his health and overall well-being, professional irresponsibility, and poor practice. The care providers were not concerned about his demands for glasses.

Aligned to the code of conduct of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the caregivers and nurses must serve as the client advocate for the vulnerable and disadvantaged people and challenge the poor practices and discriminatory behavior, as well as attitudes regarding their care (Myatt, 2015). Further, they play an essential role in protecting human dignity, client equity, safety, making informed decisions, and delivering quality care and support. Thus, when the care providers effectively advocate for the patients, they facilitate the well-being and welfare of the clients. The nurses’ attributes directly influence the client’s advocacy. Traits like autonomy, moral sensitivity, and confidence are essential to orienting and supporting client advocacy.

Nonetheless, various attributes like ineffective communication and poor practice between the patients and care providers could hinder client advocacy. In this case, the nurses did not listen to Joseph, and his demand for the glasses was not granted. The situation illustrates poor practices because there is neglect and poor communication strategies within the care providers’ activities. Effective communication and healthcare practices allow the care providers to assess the clients’ needs that are perceived as central to the suitable activity of advocacy. The primary attribute that facilitates client advocacy is identifying and focusing on the requirements and conditions of the clients. Thus, the comprehensive client assessment is fundamental in aiding care providers to understand patients’ necessities, enhancing patient advocacy. Besides, the nurses’ commitment to a code of ethics, dignity, and respect for the client’s rights and conscience highly facilitates the client’s advocacy (Abbasinia et al., 2020). Thus, the case’s poor practices and communication strategies are the critical barriers to efficient client advocacy since they lose the sense of responsibility and accountability within their practice. Overall, they portrayed a lack of respect for the clients’ rights and the professional code of ethics.

Therefore, proper education and training are essential in enhancing the scenario’s outcome. Moreover, knowledge and skills are essential to effectively and substantially improve patient advocacy. Hence, the care providers should be aware that their responsibility has a crucial role in improving client experiences, care outcomes, satisfaction, and care quality (Dixon-Woods, 2019). Therefore, the care providers in the scenario should have realized their accountability to guarantee their well-being of Joseph, which would ensure that they remain accountable for their actions. Improving their skills and knowledge via continual training, education, and professional qualification enhances autonomy, competencies, individual traits, as well as essential skills in promoting patient advocacy (Abbasinia et al., 2020). Through appropriate education and training, the care providers in the case will realize the significance of client-nurse correlation, responsibility, effective communication, and responsibility in their daily operations.

Importance of being aware of the potential need for advocacy within relationships in healthcare

Appropriate client advocacy mainly relies on fundamental relationships within the social care facility. Besides, the meaningful relationships and interactions guarantee the care providers address the client’s healthcare and logistical necessities. Hence, the relationship and interaction with the clients cause client advocacy (Sundqvist et al., 2018). Creating the relationship and identifying the clients’ assessment and necessities starts with the initial interaction session. Additionally, efficient communication in interaction and developing a relationship between care providers and patients is an essential attribute in guaranteeing that the patients’ needs are met and satisfied. Moreover, effective communication is two-way and entails listening; hence, this communication makes them feel cared for and valued and ensures they are at ease while receiving suitable care. As a result, forming a robust bond between care providers and patients. Subsequently, effective communication improves care services and establishes a conducive work environment for both the clients and caregivers since it creates more transparency and openness (Burgener, 2020). Poor communication strategies and lack of listening skills or not paying attention to the clients could result in the patients being uncomfortable and feeling like a burden to others. Overall, the case demonstrates the adverse impact of ineffective communication, resulting in the patient feeling a burden to the caregivers, thus regretting his current situation.

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