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February 17, 2023

Age-related Developmental Milestones

Age-related Developmental Milestones

Construct a chart (or a visual of your choosing, Word table, Excel chart, etc.) of age-related developmental milestones. Theorists who MUST be included at each appropriate age level are Piaget, Kohlberg, Bandura, Vygotsky, Erikson, Mahler, and Jung. Other theorists of your choosing should also be included (minimum of three). Your visual should include:

  1. Describe the essential developmental features of each age category.
  2. Discuss concerns or issues pertinent to each age category. NOTE: Place more emphasis on the age group with which you work or aspire to work.

Chart outlining age-related developmental milestones

Age RangeDevelopmental FeaturesTheorists and ContributionsConcerns/Issues
Infancy (0-2 years)Development of sensorimotor skills, reflexes, object permanence, and attachmentPiaget: Sensorimotor stage; Mahler: Separation-Individuation Theory; Bowlby: Attachment TheoryConcerns: Bonding and attachment with caregivers, developmental delays, and feeding/nutrition issues.
Early Childhood (2-6 years)Development of language, cognitive skills, self-esteem, and social skillsPiaget: Preoperational stage; Erikson: Initiative vs. Guilt stage; Vygotsky: Sociocultural TheoryConcerns: Potty training, language delays, behavioral issues, and learning disabilities.
Middle Childhood (6-11 years)Development of logical thinking, problem-solving skills, social skills, and self-esteemPiaget: Concrete Operational stage; Kohlberg: Moral Development Theory; Bandura: Social Learning TheoryConcerns: Learning difficulties, bullying, peer pressure, and family dynamics.
Adolescence (12-18 years)Development of identity formation, abstract reasoning, morality, and independencePiaget: Formal Operational stage; Erikson: Identity vs. Role Confusion stage; Jung: Analytical PsychologyConcerns: Mental health, substance abuse, peer pressure, body image, and sexual identity.
Early Adulthood (19-29 years)Development of career goals, intimate relationships, and personal identityErikson: Intimacy vs. Isolation stage; Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs; Holland: Vocational TheoryConcerns: Career choices, relationships, financial independence, and mental health.
Middle Adulthood (30-59 years)Development of generativity, midlife crisis, and physical declineErikson: Generativity vs. Stagnation stage; Levinson: Midlife Transition Theory; McAdams: Life Story TheoryConcerns: Career changes, family responsibilities, health issues, and identity crisis.
Late Adulthood (60+ years)Development of life review, retirement, and death preparationErikson: Integrity vs. Despair stage; Peck: Developmental Tasks of Late Adulthood; Atchley: Continuity TheoryConcerns: Health issues, social isolation, caregiver burden, and end-of-life preparations.


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