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November 28, 2023

Agencies for Health Care Quality

Agencies for Health Care Quality

The National Quality Forum is a non-profit association based in the USA which is focused on endorsing a patient healthcare quality and protection through public reporting and measurement.  The organization leads the national partnership to enhance the quality of healthcare through assessment and ensure that the care given to the patients nationwide is of the standard quality. In order to achieve their goals, the organization calls together the private and public leaders to develop national goals to attain safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable health care (Mason et al, 2017).  The organization strives to ensure that their endorsed standards are the major standards used to assess and report on the quality of the healthcare in the United States. It is thus the major driving force and implementer of the healthcare providers.

The organization regulates the patients, health care providers, and private purchasers.  It updates sets of measures based on a controlled agreement process and its application of laborious benchmarks.  This organization’s members focus on promoting a mutual method to assessing quality health care in a quest to improve the system-wide capacity for quality enhancement. It ensures that high-quality performance is continuous and the information is available to the public. It also seeks timely feedback to help make a follow-up of the quality assessments and that they are accurate.

Their evidence-based and validity structure helps in various ways such as promoting the patient’s safety, maternity care, and attaining improved patient outcomes (Nguyen et al, 2016). The lingering care management is also made stronger through such measurements.  The agency is a forum which makes the improvements that respond to the needs of the healthcare partners hence promoting a meaningful membership experience. The assessment methods are also flexible to meet the dynamic needs of the healthcare sector.


Mason, M. C., Chang, G. J., Petersen, L. A., Sada, Y. H., Cao, H. S. T., Chai, C., … &

Massarweh, N. N. (2017). National Quality Forum Colon Cancer Quality Metric Performance: How Are Hospitals Measuring Up?. Annals of surgery266(6), 1013-1020.

Nguyen, A. P., Hyder, J. A., Wanta, B. T., Stelfox, H. T., & Schmidt, U. (2016). Measuring

intensive care unit performance after sustainable growth rate reform: An example with the National Quality Forum metrics. Journal of critical care36, 81-84.

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